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Enjoy Life

Poster: guiltypleasures
Image: Enjoy Life
Image Details: ID: 635 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1020 x 1020 (243KB)
Posted: 20 Feb 2004 01:16
Views: 142
Pic Description: Another one of my "non-people" pics :) Dolphins rendered in poser, the rest all photoshop postwork. Thanks for looking :)

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Wild Tiger
a little conversation
Enjoy Life
Under the trees
Lady and the tiger

Poster Message
 20 Feb 2004 18:28
what can I say it is another of your awesome pics...I particularily like how you got the water droplets on the tail etc..job well done

Imagination is where you let the real you run wild....
 20 Feb 2004 19:37
Wow, very serene and beautiful:)

 20 Feb 2004 21:24
I can relate for a friend of mine has suffered a lose with his mom two days ago.He has not even graduated yet.Yes I say enjoy life.Great picture,it does hit home.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 20 Feb 2004 22:34
Thank you all for the comments and tda42 I'm sorry for your friend's loss

I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to just try and keep control over this group of bozo's at the Nut house errr...Clubhouse! --Guilty Pleasures Chief of Bozo's
 21 Feb 2004 01:22
Thank you very much.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
 21 Feb 2004 09:02
Excellent image, of all creatures Dolphins seem to enjoy life
most of all to me.
and Prayers to your friend td42.

 22 Feb 2004 08:55
I like dolphins !

 15 Feb 2005 03:26
Once again, wonderful.

 11 Nov 2011 05:46
-Wonderful Image...
But Actually— You have to SCUBA...
to KNOW— dolphines.

They are funny.. but also mischeivious...

You are swimming— along when Two `of them ...approach...
They seem Very Happy -to see you...
They ORBIT— around you...

(Actually they are Sizing 'you up..
and WHAT— you HAVE, that They decide -to take...

A flash— and poof... he has `your $48 Chrome underwater Whistle...
Now, the Other one `has your Compass— You Flashlight—
Your notebook... one flipper is gone... Now the OTHER...
You hang on to your Air Tanks... and are LUCKY
They decide -Not to leave you completely naked...

THEY -Love— Shinny things...
(Somewhere there is `an underwater CAVE
with Million$— in stolen Scuba Gear...

You are in THEIR— world... and you are
absurdly— SLOW `and clumsy...

So— Buy the cheap `PLASTIC -items..
that THEY -don't want...

THEN— when they approach... it is only `to get -PETTING
and scratching...

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