Joined: November 2003
Posts: 2551
Location: Tennessee, The Great Polecat State
28 May 2004 13:22
Well I'm seeing a Heavy Metal III coming soon. That is one cool cat character Ken.I like the wild hair look.Ken you should have been in that contest too.I was telling Nex the same thing.The Goth would have won it hands down over there at Planit 3D. Back to the pic here.I like the arm bands and stuff.The textures are complexed and the ears and horns make the character.Wonderful job.Pro anyway you look at it. =D> =D> =D> =D>
_______________ Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
Fine looking character, but I wish someone out there
would make some muscle morphs for Vic. Her arms
always look like tubes or sticks.
That appears to be one thing that the creators have over-
looked in Vic 1,2 and 3.