Glad you like it!
Lighting: Just two lights, one infinite(shadow off), and one spot(shadows on) pointing at the head only, both almost white, my simple "portrait studio setup". Twiddled around a bit (That's how I work, I only twiddle aroud a bit
Pose: Well turn and tilt her head and neck a bit, eyes other direction
Morph: A mix of about four or five of my morphs and 10% of Thilda's Halloweenie
Texure: A simple one I made mainly for testing morps. Almost neutral, revealing every mistake I made morphing. The skin is close to monochrome with a little rouge and eyeliner applied, Lips tex based on one from Thilda, Eyes Jose Silva.
Lacrimals "borrowed" from PitKlad's NEAena
She don't mind, I hope
Background: None, only background color