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Melancholy Babe

Poster: GrouchoCaesar
Image: Melancholy Babe
Image Details: ID: 4626 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 800 x 600 (100KB)
Posted: 07 Feb 2008 11:17
Views: 136
Pic Description: This was *supposed* to be the beginnings of a picture for the Valentine's Day album...

...but I ended up with this.

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Poster Message
 07 Feb 2008 18:54
— Well, maybe it didn't turn out to be a Valentine—
but it's introspective -heartbroken lady, sitting on a unique piece of furniture—
tells me about 'how much she hoped her lips would attract the man in her heart,
but she's now found 'that hasn't happened, and she's wounded.
The shirt— she chose to wear, and the stockings
again tell, how much she tried to please him, only to find herself
still— in the 'friend" catagory.

eh, not that I personally ever left 'throngs of ladies -broken hearted, and staring into mirrors with tear-stained faces... ——— Hey— I like it !
You create what you experience. Thats why had 'I rendered that same lady you'd see she'd have her arms crossed, eyebrows 'narrowed and down 'looking down her nose, with feet close together —
saying — " hey you 'get away -you old Coot..."

 07 Feb 2008 19:44
What I find interesting about this image is that it is all about body language - her face is untouched, with completely default settings and (therefore) no expression. Yet the overall impression is unhappiness.

I originally wanted to add a few more props to tell the whole story (a discarded rose, a "Dear Jane" card, an unopened present...), but I think I got the emotion I wanted from the picture right off the mark, so I'm gonna leave it as is.

Original pose by Anat Dayag, tweaked (and then some) by me.
Shorts & Shirt by RealDeal
Shoes by Jim Burton
Couch by Jamiecc
Hair by... who else? ( All hail Kozaburo!)
Backdrop by Enax
Posette's skin by Ralachi

Am I the only one who thinks they named it Windows because it is a major pane? BA-DUM BOOM!!
 08 Feb 2008 00:40
She needs a big hand near her

 08 Feb 2008 04:09
Excellent image!

Great representation of unhappiness; and I like the depth of the space around the couch.

It's not what you look like, when you're doing what you're doing;
It's what you're doing, when you're doing what it looks like you're doing.
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