That's a nice looking
Posette, with good lighting, and her dress texture is outstanding. The texture for her eyes and eyelashes are also notably very good, and her overall pose is nice and natural-looking.
I think the only two ways this image would be any better is if you put a magnet (or a transparency map) on her dress around the neck area to make it fit better, and did some additional postrender work around her shoulder joints to make the crease lower/more natural (though I know that is usually easier said than done).
Unless I'm mistaken you've also done a nice job of fitting the Kozaburo Short Bob hairstlye to
Posette, as whenever I try to use this hair it ends up looking sort of dumb no matter how I spin the dials. Perhaps if you have a moment sometime you could share with everyone a quick list of the xyz scale or dial settings you used to make it fit so well?.