I'd rate this 'a ten—
still, I know I'd be prepared as she doesn't understand
(as we do) the comlexities of what you've done -here.
Getting that grey background perfect—
yet how it has visual contrast, against the grey stones
(all to relate to the character's mood...)
the only color— belonging to the living things...
-the perfect reflection on the water surface...
-What the character's body language — is saying...
I really hope she opens eyes — to see what
you've done....
but I know my Wifey -would probally take a one second peek
and say "Yeah you waste hours -to make a dirty picture of some
woman's boobs.... when you could have been helping me—
and cleaned 'th Kitchen..."
Always Remember—
Lenardo sold the Mona'Lisa -for fifty cents...
as so frequently -'non artists—
look— but don't -see....
I really like this image! (it make -a nice monitor background)