Thanks for the kind words.
Apart from my selection of colors that I like (for example I rarely use blue and red), I'm not sure if I actually have a unique style, since I mostly just base my images on my distilled observations from many years of enjoying pin-up photography. I think the only main way my art has been evolving over the past year is in my use of lighting, as I am constantly finding that less can be more in that area. I now tend to cringe when I look at things I made long ago that I used to think were good, since they are all so garishly over-lit and washed-out looking.
I don't post more often because:
-most of the images I make are either too simplistic to be very interesting, or are nudes that I don't think are appropriate to post here (for example, more graphic 'Penthouse' style as opposed to more tasteful 'Playboy' style).
-I usually get a burst of creativity after making a new
Posette, but I haven't worked on any new models or skin textures for some time because (beauty being in the eye of the beholder of course) I'm so enamored with the
Posette in this picture that I haven't wanted to make any new girls lately (if anyone were to look, they'd see that this
Posette has been in nearly every image I've posted this year). Also the few problem details on this
Posette (for example her abdomen, not really visible in this image) are ones I'm not sure how to fix, so I think 'm done tinkering with her as well.
Thanks again.