— I hope this is the beginning—
of one of 'the JanReinar -series— stories...
...and the WolfMan— is there...
The Japaneese— `open a can `of WHALE -meat...
only to find, a very large `dogie turd— and a laughing
pencil sketch -of the WolfMan....
THEY -`Open, a bottle of Saki....
only -to find—
"That WolfMan's '- Peed— in our SAKI !
They -run `to their large Fridg—
only ...to find it -Locked....
They try `to eat— their Japaneese Army -rations...
only -to find—
He's added -a large Dose— of DonkeyLax ...
and they're `All— running -for the woods....
with Flaming Diahrreah...
fighting each other— over the deminishing supply—
of Toilet paper....
— —