Tormie: "... It was only for an istant and I would pull you close, then we'd walk on hand in hand, just to say "I love you"..."
Posette: "purr... PURRR!"
Tormie:" Do you like my little poem, Posy ?"
Posette: " Come closer, Honey... MIAOW! "
Tormie: "Ehm... No Posy... I... I have a little headache..."
Posette: " MEW! MIAOOOW! "
Tormie: "What... ? NO! Please... Don't touch those parameters! Uh! N...Not "that" morph..."
Posette: "roOAAARR!"
Tormie&Posette: "kiss... KISS! SMACK!" >censored<
...Be careful: If your beloved Posette burst out a storm of hearts and lightnings while you're reading her a piece of poetry you can't hold out, there is no headache for it !
Thank you for viewing
(the english piece of poetry was adapted from "Drew's Love Poetry")