Good Goolie - Big Zoolie !
Yawie - Zowie`!
Everybody has limits… Even Pop-eye the Sailor was known for
"Thatz 'All I can stands... I can't stands `No More …"
Today, sincerely 'were it within my power… If it were `put to me…
I'd be willing -to exchange the experience `how I `spent my Day,
`to that of ...sitting in a room, across `from the Tormentor…
with... the day I had. I mean, Fans, there comes a time - to run up
the white flag. Doubtlessly, those `Of You, who've actually BEEN
in the presence... of the Tormentor, are left... gasping for breath...
at this statement, and are... blankly asking…
"You mean… It's THAT bad?"
Obviously… While each of you.. probably goes under the premise
that you alone `among the human race, are NEVER, going to come
to `an END, and certainly, I Wish, a Quick and Painless…
experience, for each of you, I can only remark in truth,
a painful… lenghty demise, is something I wouldn't wish, on anybody.