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Lyssa World

Poster: JanReinar
Image: Lyssa World
Image Details: ID: 7910 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 1000 x 1020 (265KB)
Posted: 21 Jun 2015 04:23
Views: 93
Pic Description: Lyssa (Narrating) - My name is Lyssa and this is my world! The planet is not mine of course but I born here. A decade and a half ago! It does not seem long to you but it is a life for me. My life! The Taar ... The evil aliens ... They brought my people and many others here because they needed people to work for them.

The soldier was almost right! Here is full of aliens! These blue guys are the Skulp. As Taar are evil aliens! Before the Terrans arrived they were soldiers of the Taar overseers! They beat and killed those who do not like working overseers wanted.
The Terran saw that it was not fair to mistreat us and gave us weapons. With the weapons of the Terran we rebelled and fled Taar. The Skulp are now prey to the soldiers of the Alliance. They always afraid us now live in fear and fear makes them more dangerous. With allied armada controlling the system they have nowhere to flee.

Pictures Navigation
Road to Eriabi - The Red Sorceress Part 2
Road to Eriabi - The Red Sorceress Part 2
Lyssa World
Lyssa World 2
Lyssa World 3

Poster Message
 22 Jun 2015 03:03
Love the scenery here! So many different viewpoints as well due to the activity in the scene!

I am smiling.
 23 Jun 2015 17:13
Great write up, and like the work with the scenery too.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
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