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Pretty Posette in 3Dream''s texture & Kozaburo''s hair

Poster: rico
Image: Pretty Posette in 3Dream''s texture & Kozaburo''s hair
Image Details: ID: 8418 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 768 x 576 (181KB)
Posted: 29 Apr 2021 16:15
Views: 78
Pic Description: This is pretty base Posette, with 3Dream''s Andreia P4 texture, and P6''s Kozaburo''s Long Hair for Jessi parented to Posette.

I need help with the eyebrows of the texture... Can you guys please tell me how to get rid of the ''outline'' of the original eyebrows, which appears under the texture?

I think there is a simple solution, but I don''t recall what it is right now.

On my 64-bit Windows 10, i5 2.60GHz, 8GB laptop, this was rendered in P6''s Firefly... where it took an ASTONISHING 10 MINUTES to render! It took this LONG because for some reason P6 is REALLY SLOW on 64-bit computers.

It is the hair which caused it to render that long - without the hair, it renders in seconds in P6''s Firefly.

Then, I opened & rendered this same scene in P11''s Firefly... & it rendered in about 30 seconds.

I then tried rendering it in P11''s Superfly... but it took 49 minutes.

So, if I render in P6 then I''ll try to use less detailed hair (which doesn''t take so long to render)... or on my system, I''ll stick to P11''s Firefly.

Rendering toon tone characters, with simpler skin textures & simpler toon hair, should be quicker.

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This vilain !
Red Cindee love the campaign
Pretty Posette in 3Dream''s texture & Kozaburo''s hair
Bottle garden #1
So label''s ''GENIE IN'' wasn''t typo for ''GENUINE'' !!

Poster Message
 01 May 2021 20:42
The outline may be from a bump map being set to the default texture.

I've found that to do well with any figure you really need to have a passion for that figure,

...and I hope you develop that passion for yours.
 01 May 2021 23:46
Posette is such a beauty still, and 3Dream's textures for her are amazing.
Posette's brows are modelled so you can see the edges.
Try this ->
About the render times I never tried P6 on 64 bit, and my P7 works fine...

 02 May 2021 14:20
Thank you very much guys, I'll try that out !

Indeed, I think the model looks amazing !

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