This freebie is from Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 - Seraph (All Outfits), ported to FBX by M4ZTeR
3 Bodies and 6 heads supplied separately, plus extra Camouflage texture. IIRC, this is body1 + head1...
Import body to Poser at ~1% scale (1/100 default), arrives as ~38 sub-rigs. Position & pose using first sub-rig, zero xRotate to stand. ASAP, parent other body sub-rigs to that lest Poser Hierarchy choke.
Head gets same ~1% import, gives ~19 sub-rigs. Position & pose using first, zero xRotate to stand. Again, parent other head sub-rigs to that ASAP lest Poser Hierarchy choke.
Took a while to find my way around the body-rig: eg Arms live at tag_origin parts, torso stabilizer parts, j_spine4 parts, j_clavicle_le parts (or ...ri parts) etc.
Scene needed plenty of light. Due FBX complexity, I did not risk using my ageing twin GPU cards, but did a 14 pixel-sample test render with CPU only. That was okay, so I queued 64 pixel-sample render to my networked ''Box'', where it ran in ~15 mins.