The time now is Tuesday, 11 March 2025, 05:04 AM

Coffee Break
Take a seat and stay with us !
The Posetteforever diary
(This is our kindergarten ! Here you can talk about anything within reason... Sports, music, your life, you name it ... You can also find the interviews with our users !)Subforums: The interviews !, Funny Videos
Topics/Posts: 857/12593
Guiltypleasures' Clubhouse
(Watch out for those Tuna Tarts and Warhead Mixers... They are a deadly combo when not used as directed.)Subforums: Deviant Viking & Mitzo's Pole Dancing Club
Topics/Posts: 266/5878
I'm New, Please Whip Me Gently
(Caring and sharing for beginners.)
Topics/Posts: 53/1019
(In this area, you can draw your sword, enter the coliseum and try to survive. Be warned however, don't call your Mom or a Moderator after entering here... You're on your own !)
Topics/Posts: 31/755
(Have fun with our jokes !)
Topics/Posts: 128/986

Posettes Kindergarden
The place where Posettes and Dorks plays happily...
The Posette Playground
(All about our beloved doll, Posette )Subforums: Posette's Boutique
Topics/Posts: 306/5266
The Dork's garage
(All about the unforgettable Dork aka P4man...)
Topics/Posts: 51/706
Forgotten Posette & Dork stuff
(Our Posette & the Dork preservation project.)
Topics/Posts: 34/430
The Toys Box
(News and support for all other FREE characters: Mayadoll, Sara, Don, Penny and all the gang !!)
Topics/Posts: 116/897
The ugly step sisters
(Discussions about characters that are NOT shared for free... )
Topics/Posts: 27/451

Show Off!
Share your talent with us, you're welcome !
Our little Album !
(In the Album there are pictures made by the members of our community and you're welcome to add your own ones ! The rules are simple: No offending pictures/photos like material for adults.)
Topics/Posts: 0/0
Short Stories
(A place where you can tell tall tales, promising poems, and short stories. Don't worry, nobody will laugh, unless you want them to ! All that is written here must be fiction, and written by you. Anything is okay except no hard porn. You may make your stories erotic if you would like, just make sure to label your subject as such so others who do not enjoy this will know not to view it. Just have fun, and let your creative side take control !)
Topics/Posts: 62/355
Videos and Animations
(Stick here your Videos and Animations ! ... And remember to share your technique wit us...)
Topics/Posts: 24/320
Music and Tunes
(Let us listen to your music ! )
Topics/Posts: 1/5
(You may want to tell a story by your pictures, but the album doesn't allow more than 1 picture at a time... And there is that 24h limit... You can use this forum for your series, you can even post the same pictures in the album)
Topics/Posts: 11/98

The Graphic Hobbyist
Tutorials, suggestions, links and "How to", you can find something useful here !
3D Nightmares... Or... The little sculptor
(Do you have a little problem with your favourite 3D application ? No sleep for you last night ? Pulling your hair out ? Ok ! Don't be sad, you can cry here with the rest of us... Share your modelling techniques with us (or ask for help...). Here we discuss the modelling techniques too...)
Topics/Posts: 222/2272
(Blender is the free open source 3D content creation suite, available for all major operating systems. Posetteforever is proud to sponsor and adopt it with this dedicated forum ...)
Topics/Posts: 12/177
Texture knitting
(In this forum we discuss about 2D/3D painting and how to make a texture for your beloved 3d creations. Here is the wool and the needles !)
Topics/Posts: 70/548
Interesting links
(Please tell us about new free toys you found on the net...)
Topics/Posts: 422/2790
The Garage
(Projects and events that are no longer active are archived here.)Subforums: Old projects, Finished projects
Topics/Posts: 18/229

Service & Support
If you need help or if you don't know how to do something, ask to us !
Whip The Admins...
(Suppose something goes wrong... Whip us ever so gently... This is also where the admins post important announcements)
Topics/Posts: 288/2761
Posy Help Desk
("Hello Posy... " is the best way to begin a post in this forum: She is at the help desk for our 24h online support and she'll help you for sure ! If you need some chit chat Posy is here for you... Ever !)
Topics/Posts: 1/26

The Speakeasy
This creepy place is for staff personnel only...
Shebeen, the Staff forum
(This forum is for discussions between staff members)
Topics/Posts: 171/1624
In Jail with Bubba
(Spammers posts go here. If you've a doubt about a post move it here, it will be invisible to normal users)
Topics/Posts: 21/73

Who Is Online
Our users have posted a total of 40259 articles
We have 402 registered users
The newest registered user is ShatfieldStone
In total there are 323 users online: 0 Registered, 0 Hidden and 323 Visitors
Most users ever online was 987 on Friday, 30 August 2024, 04:44 AM
Registered Users: None
This data is based on users active over the past 10 minutes