Uninstalling.... Not so bad when you don't have to! »  Show posts from    to     

♥ PosetteForever ♥

3D Nightmares... Or... The little sculptor - Uninstalling.... Not so bad when you don't have to!

pbnj [ Tuesday, 27 April 2004, 04:33 PM ]
Post subject: 
I happen to keep my Poser install on a different partition of my hard drive so I don't have to worry about reinstalling all my items when Windows decides to get crummy with me, heh. After a while the items do build up tho. I've had up to 8 gig of items installed at one time. Now I try to just install items as I would use them not just for the ohhh how neat factor. <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> This is awesome and just what I needed, thanks for the tip!! <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/love7.gif" alt="" />

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