Is there a clergyman in the crowd ? »  Show posts from    to     

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Jokes - Is there a clergyman in the crowd ?

Den Tracy [ Saturday, 05 April 2003, 05:06 AM ]
Post subject: Is there a clergyman in the crowd ?
The scene was an automobile accident. One driver was laying in the street and was near death. A police officer, knowing that the man had little time, appealed to the crowd and shouted... <br /> <br /> "Is there a man of the cloth present in the crowd". It doesn't matter what religion you are. Please come forward and bless this man before he dies." <br /> <br /> People in the crowd looked at each other, but not a person stepped forward. <br /> Suddenly, a voice rang out and one man pointed in the direction of another who appeared to be a homeless man... <br /> "Hey, that guy over there...I've seen him around that church on Main Street on a number of occasions." <br /> The homeless man was brought to the dying man's side. The police officer responded... <br /> "Surely you must have heard something that could comfort this man !" <br /> <br /> There was a slight pause... the homeless man took a deep breath and replied... <br /> <br /> "Under the 'B' ...'5'... under the 'I'...'16'... <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Well....that's my joke <img src="" alt="" />
Ozymandias Jones [ Wednesday, 21 May 2003, 01:11 PM ]
Post subject: 
It took me a while... but eventually <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Tuesday, 22 July 2003, 09:41 PM ]
Post subject: 
Hey den, I'm reading this only now and I'm feeling soooo stupid <img src="" alt="" /> . <br /> I simply hate to explain jokes but I don't understood <img src="" alt="" />

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