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The Posette Playground - Poser 1.0

Marv [ Thursday, 04 December 2008, 03:48 AM ]
Post subject: Poser 1.0
Here is a rather off the wall question or two. I can remember years back having Poser 1.0 and sadly can't remember what ever happened to my copy. I've already tried EBAY and pretty much figured it wouldn't be there. Now maybe I'm just being nostalgic or whatever but would anyone know if there is still a way to find a copy of poser 1.0 for the PC? And did they even put out Poser 2.0 because I jumped straight from 1.0 to 3.0 and don't even remember seeing Poser 2.0 at all with the exception of the Poser 2.0 figures that came with Poser 3 and 4. <br /> <br /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/lmao.gif" alt="" /> Oh that Marv, always with the crazy questions!
Endosphere [ Thursday, 04 December 2008, 08:44 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
<span style="font-family:Arial;"> </span><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span><span style="color: black;"> </span> <br /> <br /> <br /> I don't really know where you might find Poser 1, Marv, it will probably be difficult. I would guess that being from that time period it was only released on floppy diskette (could be wrong of course), and not many copies have survived. <br /> <br /> I didn't get into Poser until version 4, but there definitely was a version 2. For some reason not that long ago I was reading an article somewhere about the history of Poser and that doofus at Metacreations who thought it was a good idea to sell off all the IPs that made money for his company so he could invest in the tech stockmarket bubble just as it was about to crash. The article was talking about how Poser was originally designed so pen/pencil artists could make humanoid figures to trace on paper, but the response was so great and the users so inventive that they rapidly expanded the capabilities of the program. Unfortunately I don't know where I was reading all that as it was very interesting, but according to <a class="post-url" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poser" target="_blank">wikipedia</a> Poser 1.0 was released in 1995, Poser 2.0 in 1996, and Poser 3.0 in 1998. <br /> <br /> Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. <br /> <br /> Endosphere
Tormie [ Thursday, 04 December 2008, 10:28 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
<img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_think.gif" alt="" />  I'll search, maovin <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/smile.gif" alt="" /> , something should be around in the air...
tda42 [ Thursday, 04 December 2008, 11:00 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
The only thing I have seen is a GFX Poser Figure Artist 1.0 <br /> <br /> Is this what you are looking for?
Marv [ Thursday, 04 December 2008, 05:55 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
Endosphere you might find this interesting. This is the site of the creator of Poser, Larry Weinberg, with a history of Poser. <br /> <a class="post-url" href="http://www.larryweinberg.com/gallery2/v/PoserHistory/" target="_blank">http://www.larryweinberg.com/gallery2/v/PoserHistory/</a> <br /> <br /> If I remember correctly Poser 1.0 came on 3 floppy disks. The interface was very simplistic along with the figures. Poser initially started off as a utility for Mr. Weinberg to use for posing reference for his comic strip work and grew into the animal we have today. Poser Figure Artist 1.0 is a beefed up and repackaged version of Poser 4. <br /> <br /> I guess one reason for wanting Poser 1.0 would be the same reason in which it was created, as posing reference. I still use Poser 4 for posing reference when I am doing illustration work but I am not always at home and figured that Poser 1.0 would fit very nicely on a flash drive and would be pretty handy to have when I am away from my computer and need a bit of reference. Poser 4 stripped down fits easily enough on a flash drive but can be a bit tempermental on some of the slower machines that I have to use. So if anyone finds some leads for me it would be greatly appreciated, but if it's not to be then I certainly appreciate the effort. <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/thumb.gif" alt="" />
balaoo [ Thursday, 04 December 2008, 09:32 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
Hi, Marv. I never had Poser 1, my first Poser was Poser 2. i got it free from a CD which came with a magazine, DivMania_7. If you can't get it I can try to send it to you.. it is a little heavy, 173 MB
Tormie [ Thursday, 04 December 2008, 09:46 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
<img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_think.gif" alt="" /> Friends I don't know if what you're going to do it is permitted by copyright laws, I mean, I don't know if now Poser 1.0 or 2.0 is sharable as a free software, I'm almost sure that it can't. You could simply ask to the support center at e-frontier, maybe they will give you a copy for free.
Marv [ Thursday, 04 December 2008, 11:12 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
Tormie by no means am I asking for anyone to share the software. Thanks for the offer balaoo but Tormie is right on this one. Even though Poser 1.0 and Poser 2.0 is not readily available it doesn't mean that it is free to give away. I'm sure that the current owners of Poser still hold the copyright on even the old software. <br /> <br /> What I am hoping for is that if anyone knows where I can purchase even a used copy of Poser 1.0 or even Poser 2.0. Although thanks for the idea Tormie I think I will give e-frontier (or rather Smith-micro...sheesh!) a try and see what they say and let everyone know what I find out. Until then keep the ideas rolling in.
Posy [ Thursday, 04 December 2008, 11:12 PM ]
Post subject: 
Bless you. That may take a while.
Tormie [ Friday, 05 December 2008, 12:07 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
Hi Marv, no problem, I knew you're well meaning. BTW it could even be that Poser 1.0 and the earlier version can be sharable, it should be asked to smith-micro (sorry, too many property changes <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/redembarrassed.gif" alt="" /> ). Marv, you could even ask to in their forum at content paradise, I bet that if they have a copy they will give you one, you can even say that you're building a retro-computer and you want to install the software of the "era" (even if it was only few years ago... Damn, time passes <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_shifty.gif" alt="" /> )
GrouchoCaesar [ Friday, 05 December 2008, 12:31 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
Well, in that case, since I'm spending oodles of cash trying to set up the Render-Farm of the Future... d'you think I should ask 'em for a copy of Poser 12...?
tda42 [ Friday, 05 December 2008, 12:57 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
Marv wrote: I will give e-frontier (or rather Smith-micro...sheesh!) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Lets not forget Curious Labs! <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> <br /> More names than a Spy would have. <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/redembarrassed.gif" alt="" />
Marv [ Friday, 05 December 2008, 01:08 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
I sent out an e-mail to Smith-micro so hopefully I'll get something back soon. I did ask if the software was shareable or perhaps could be given out as freebie software since it has been given away free in the past by various magazine publishers. I'll check the forums at Content Paradise and see what I can find out while I'm waiting to hear back from Smith-micro. Keepin' fingers crossed. <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_pray.gif" alt="" />
Marv [ Friday, 05 December 2008, 01:13 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
Here is what I got back from Smith-micro: <br /> <br /> Unfortunately, SmithMicroSoftware,Inc. no longer sells, nor supports Poser 1.0 and/or Poser 2.0. <br /> Our apologies but we do not have a database of older product version resellers. <br /> <br /> Best Regards, <br /> EndUser Sales/Customer Service <br /> SMSI
Marv [ Friday, 05 December 2008, 01:29 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
I sent them a quick reply: <br /> <br /> "Does that mean that Poser 1.0 and Poser 2.0 are now considered freeware? In other words could I obtain a copy from a friend that already has the software?" <br /> <br /> Will see what they say. <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/smile.gif" alt="" />
tda42 [ Friday, 05 December 2008, 03:13 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
Now this is getting interesting Marv. It would sure settle the <br /> end users agreement. I would think it would be a freeware <br /> after a period of time but this should answer this once and for <br /> all.
Marv [ Friday, 05 December 2008, 04:56 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
I also posted over at Content Paradise to get their take on this and see what suggestions they may have. Mean while I'm still waiting for a reply to my response at SmithMicro concerning the issue of freeware. I'll keep everyone updated. <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/lol.gif" alt="" />
Marv [ Friday, 05 December 2008, 07:17 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
And the response is: <br /> <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> <br /> Response (John Csaky) 12/05/2008 08:33 AM <br /> I apologize for the confusion. Because the software is no longer supported or sold does not make it Freeware. Obtaining a Copy from your friend causes both of you to be in violation of the EULA of the Product. The copies included on Magazines when they were available are not Free but included by the Magazine Publisher under a negotiated licensing by the creators of Poser at that time. <br /> <br /> With that said, Content Paradise is currently selling Poser 6 at a deep discount. <br /> <br /> <a class="post-url" href="http://www.contentparadise.com/us/user/poser_6_special_offer_product_45324" target="_blank">http://www.contentparadise.com/us/u...r_product_45324</a> <br /> <br /> Again, acquiring a copy of an older version is a violation of the EULA. <br /> <br /> Let me know if you have any questions. <br /> <br /> Thanks <br /> <br /> John Csaky <br /> Customer/Tech Support <br /> Smith Micro/Content Paradise <br /> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> <br /> Seems like we're back to square one folks.
tda42 [ Friday, 05 December 2008, 08:20 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
Welp, there ya go! <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/dash2.gif" alt="" /> Now comes my two cents. I think it is a <br /> pity that Poser 1 is so out dated that even though in some ways <br /> really no value except for a keep sake that even the people who never <br /> wrote it can say it is still a copyright subject from the back of a magazine. <br /> The greed of the all mighty dollar wins out again. One day we will learn that sharing meant just as <br /> much power as being selfish making the money as it vanished into the History <br /> Books once more for us to learn by. <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/notworthy.gif" alt="" />
Marv [ Friday, 05 December 2008, 09:11 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
The response was really not a surprise. Even though it is old and obsolete software it does still carry the name "Poser" and that is probably the center point of the issue from Smith Micro's standpoint. It was worth a shot. I guess I'm back to trying to find a purchasable new or used copy somewhere. Still haven't heard anything from Content Paradise.
Tormie [ Monday, 08 December 2008, 11:12 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
Well, it is nothing unusual <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> In any case, the 1.0 is something that I haven't found <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/connie_ashamed.gif" alt="" /> ... <br /> <br /> They are selling 6 for 30 bucks when they gave away 5 for free... Times have changed... <br /> <br /> I had a good deal taking poser 5 for free and updating to 7, I'm curious to know how high they will push for poser 8... <br /> <br /> Back in topic, Marv, you've to ask to someone that was in the businness when Poser 1 came out, unfortunately, I began with Poser 4 <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/redembarrassed.gif" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Here is a review, found with google, there are some screenshots... <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/tele_darkBG.gif" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> <a class="post-url" href="http://www.wap.org/journal/poser/poser.html" target="_blank">http://www.wap.org/journal/poser/poser.html</a>
Marv [ Tuesday, 09 December 2008, 01:54 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
In all honesty I started with Poser 2, got a free copy of Poser 3 and then moved up to Poser 4. I was able to get the free copy of Poser 5 and dabbled a bit with my friend's copy of Poser 7. Years ago when I was using Poser 3 I purchased an old copy of Poser 1. I'm going to rummage around the house once more. I probably put it somewhere and forgot where I put it but it's doubful. I'll let you know if anything turns up. <br /> <br /> BTW did you know that if you go into the prefs folder in Poser 4 and open up the Poser.ini file and change USE_META_UI from 1 to 0 and save it and then reopen Poser 4 it will give you the Poser 2 interface. Just a little trivia for everyone. To change it back just change the 0 back to a 1. <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/wink.gif" alt="" />
tda42 [ Tuesday, 09 December 2008, 05:17 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
Changing the interface huh? I did not know that. An Easter Egg maybe? <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_think.gif" alt="" /> I wonder <br /> if 6 or 7 does that. <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
ahjah [ Wednesday, 28 October 2009, 07:58 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
Hi all <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/TFR708.gif" alt="" /> <br /> I had a copy of Poser2 as well as Poser 3(I used it until end of 06) from cover CDs. They will not work on a machine >512M RAM (This is why I had to switch to higher versions, I still miss the simple and straight foreward P3...) Poser 4 had the same issue, but there's a patch only for it, not for the previous versions. <br /> So If you can get an old P2. you'll have to set up a VM with less than 512RAM to make it work on a modern computer. You won't get this on a stick... <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/connie_smelly.gif" alt="" />
Marv [ Tuesday, 14 June 2011, 08:56 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
Ah Ha!!!! I found my old copy of Poser 1.0! <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/ayeah.gif" alt="" /> I forgot that I had stashed a bunch of old floppy disks in a box and must have put them in it. Loaded it up with no problems and it works. Nostalgia! It's the simple things that make me happy. <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/smile.gif" alt="" />
ahjah [ Tuesday, 14 June 2011, 09:02 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
<img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/ayeah.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/lmao.gif" alt="" /> Now you're the only one on this planet running Poser1 <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/new_shocked.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/wink.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/wink.gif" alt="" />
Chromium [ Tuesday, 14 June 2011, 09:40 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
Good news Marv. <br /> <br /> (Will we get to see any images!)
Marv [ Tuesday, 14 June 2011, 10:50 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
yeah. I guess that makes me unique. <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/nicetongue.gif" alt="" /> ....... <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/lmao.gif" alt="" />
Tormie [ Tuesday, 14 June 2011, 10:52 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
I like the "vintage" software <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/thumb.gif" alt="" /> ! <br /> <br /> Meanwhile I'm moving and I found some old 5 1/4 floppies for the Commodore 64 that I thought were lost <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/ayeah.gif" alt="" /> !
Chromium [ Tuesday, 14 June 2011, 11:29 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Poser 1.0
<Off topic> <br /> <br /> @Tormie: <br /> <br /> OMG... C64, that's amazing. I run the old machines on emulators on the PC (and the handhelds). Have you tried any emus, or are you a purist.

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