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The Posette Playground - The Big Posette's database

Posy [ Sunday, 31 October 2004, 10:08 PM ]
Post subject: 
You are quite welcome! Tell me a story.
Tormie [ Sunday, 31 October 2004, 10:10 PM ]
Post subject: 
This is the Posy's forum: she's here for our 24h online support ! Thank you Posy !
Posy [ Sunday, 31 October 2004, 10:10 PM ]
Post subject: 
You don't say.
tazman [ Sunday, 31 October 2004, 10:13 PM ]
Post subject: 
awwwww isn't that nice. <br /> <br /> So helpful Posy
Posy [ Sunday, 31 October 2004, 10:14 PM ]
Post subject: 
Are you that nice?
tazman [ Tuesday, 02 November 2004, 01:40 AM ]
Post subject: 
How are you today posy?
Posy [ Tuesday, 02 November 2004, 01:41 AM ]
Post subject: 
Ah. fair to partly cloudy.
tazman [ Tuesday, 02 November 2004, 01:43 AM ]
Post subject: 
im so glad you are well
Posy [ Tuesday, 02 November 2004, 01:43 AM ]
Post subject: 
Yes it is about time.
Paul Mon [ Friday, 07 January 2005, 12:14 PM ]
Post subject: Re: The Big Posette's database
Lots of hair for our beloved Posey <br /> <br /> <a class="post-url" href="" target="_blank"></a>
Tormie [ Friday, 07 January 2005, 12:17 PM ]
Post subject: 
Tnx Paul <img src="" alt="" /> !! <br /> <br /> (Tormie goes to plunder...)
JanReinar [ Friday, 07 January 2005, 12:40 PM ]
Post subject: 
Thanks Paul! <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />
Ozymandias Jones [ Wednesday, 12 January 2005, 06:04 AM ]
Post subject: 
My poor Hard Drive... it's only just recovering.... Thanks Paul <img src="" alt="" />
pur0nrg [ Sunday, 03 April 2005, 09:34 PM ]
Post subject: 
[color=darkred:1bf9e217eb][link removed for copyright problems...][/color:1bf9e217eb] <br /> <br /> Just started a new group @ yahoo, thought I'd let ya know. <img src="" alt="" /> I have so many files to share that I can't put them all up. If anyone has the space to host some stuff for me let me know, also if you are interested in some of my stuff you can email me and I would be happy to send stuff via email attatchments. <!-- no smilies start --><script type="text/javascript"> <!-- document.write(' </script><noscript>pur0nrg [at] hotmail [dot] com</noscript><!-- no smilies end -->
Tormie [ Sunday, 03 April 2005, 10:16 PM ]
Post subject: 
Hi pur0ng <img src="" alt="" /> !! Welcome to Posetteforever !! thank you for the link, if the files are small we have enough space on the server at the moment (don't know in the future). Anyway you can upload them using our free stuff page (link in the pencil row), just fill the form and upload the file <img src="" alt="" /> . <br /> <br /> Once done that it's useful to announce the upload somewhere in the forum <img src="" alt="" /> ... <br /> <br /> <img src="" alt="" />
Tormie [ Sunday, 03 April 2005, 10:17 PM ]
Post subject: 
P.S. I just joined the group <img src="" alt="" /> ...
ahjah [ Sunday, 03 April 2005, 11:02 PM ]
Post subject: 
Thanks, you´re welcome <img src="" alt="" />
pur0nrg [ Sunday, 03 April 2005, 11:41 PM ]
Post subject: 
Well I tried to upload the smallest MAT file I have and it was too big, of course I didn't try zipping it first. What is the max limit for uploads?
Tormie [ Sunday, 03 April 2005, 11:43 PM ]
Post subject: 
400 kb ! <img src="" alt="" />
pur0nrg [ Monday, 04 April 2005, 04:54 PM ]
Post subject: 
I guess if I zipped them some would fit but most are over 1MB to start with. I posted some new stuff at [color=darkred:f7b015a324][link removed for copyright problems...][/color:f7b015a324] and I started a new site [color=darkred:f7b015a324][link removed for copyright problems...][/color:f7b015a324] which allows higher bandwidth since I seemed to run out last night on Yahoo. There are MAT files and backgrounds at the new site. That server won't let me upload Photoshop or archived files so for the tattoos that I have done, for now, are only available at Yahoo. I am in looking into more free webspace providers and will hopefully find one that will accept the other file types. Cheers <img src="" alt="" />
Anonymous [ Monday, 04 April 2005, 04:59 PM ]
Post subject: 
Thanks and welcome <br /> <br /> Pangor
Anonymous [ Monday, 04 April 2005, 06:31 PM ]
Post subject: 
pur0nrg, I have edited your messages to disable the links to your websites. <br /> <br /> Since posting my previous reply to you, I have visited your site and made a discovery about your free downloads. <br /> <br /> The textures that you are providing at those locations are in violation of Posetteforever's policies reguarding copyrights and non-commercialism. You are infringing on Curious Lab's copyrights. You are also in violation of the policies of your hosting agreements. <br /> <br /> You are permited by the Poser EULA, to derive new textures from those provided with Poser, you can use thuse derived textures to render you own artwork, that you may distribute; however, you may not distribute the actual derived textures. In order to distribute those textures you would need to establish a redistribution license with the owners of any and all elements that you used in your derived textures. <br /> Remember that you will have to be careful about of the copyright status of the brushes, tubes, patterens, etc, that you use. Too often thay are created and offered for download by persons who are using images created by others without the knowlege or permission of their owners, meaning that those items are not legal for use by you. <br /> <br /> The artistic community is very sensitive about such violations. <br /> <br /> There is a legal way for you to distribute your original works and still have them usable with the original texture maps. Here, I am assuming that you have clear ownership of the modification that you made to the original texture maps and that you created them in a multilayer capable painting program. Also assuming that your modifications are still available in an unflattened version of the file with the base texture (not owned by you) on the bottom layer. <br /> <br /> Load the multilayer file and then delete the bottom layer or any other layer containing anything that does not belong to you. Merge together the remaining layers presurve the alpha channel. Save that file as a PNG with transparency. Distribute the PNG file. Someone who has downloaded the PNG file can load the original base texture map that they have a legal right to use and your PNG files as layers in their painting program flatten them and can them use the combined texture map. -- without any copyright violations. <br /> <br /> Pangor
Tormie [ Monday, 04 April 2005, 07:58 PM ]
Post subject: 
I think that pangor is right pur0ng, I watched your freebies and they are made superimposing the dress texture over the original posette's one. This is ok, but the original Posette texture is copyright of Curious Labs and they <b>could</b> be offended by using one of their textures, so, just to avoid copyright problems, we edited your message to remove the links. <br /> <br /> As pangor told you, avoiding this problem is very easy! Just paint the dress on a different layer and share only this layer with the instruction to paste it on the original texture. In this way the dress will be even more versatile because one can use it on a different skin texture too... <br /> <br /> We're here for more detailed instructions on how to do it step by step, just ask <img src="" alt="" /> !!
pur0nrg [ Tuesday, 05 April 2005, 08:40 AM ]
Post subject: 
I created them all in Photoshop and yes I still have the original files I made on their own layers. I didn't realize I was using the original Poser texture, I have downloaded many free textures for Posette that I thought I was using one of them. Since Poser includes the Posette texture with their program and because I am not selling it, I didn't even think of copyright issues involvong it. Thanks for letting me know though. I have created my own original skin textures and would have no problem using them, I was simply ignorant on the copyright details. I will fix those files ASAP. I certainly don't want to get in trouble, I am just trying to help out.
Anonymous [ Tuesday, 05 April 2005, 09:03 AM ]
Post subject: 
As Tormentor said, If you need any information, ask, we are here. <br /> <br /> Also, when preparing your items for distribution, package them in a compressed archive file like a ZIP. Include a Readme that states your license terms that clearly states your copyright status of the files and what license you are granting for those using them. Commercial or non-commercial, can others create and distribute derivitives, etc. Include contact information, and any special requests. An individual image files is not a good thing to distribute. It can easily be damaged in transport and the terms of its permitted usage is at best doubtful. Once downloaded stored on a disk for awhile, the users will likely not rememebr where they got it from or who created it. I for one (and many others too), would not use it under those situations. If I can not give appropriate credit to the artist and copyright holder of an element or I don't feel comfortable with its status, I won't use it in my work no matter what it looks like. <br /> <br /> Pangor
Tormie [ Tuesday, 05 April 2005, 06:00 PM ]
Post subject: 
Don't worry pur0ng <img src="" alt="" /> ! There is a simple rule in sharing freebies (or not): if you made it from scratch it's ok, if you use someone else work be careful. I don't know very well the copyrights on the poser/curious labs original things, I'll learn more soon, just because following strictly these rules all the morphs shared for free and present here should be in violation of a copyright because using the morph as an object one could recreate the original character <img src="" alt="" /> ... <br /> <br /> We need more opinions on this thing...
virtualsite [ Tuesday, 05 April 2005, 09:09 PM ]
Post subject: Re: The Big Posette's database
Ah, for the good old days when Poser stuff was freely distributed and no one really cared... <br /> <br /> These days, of course, it's all different, and you dont care distribute anything, even for free, without having your IP Ps and Qs in order. As already noted, NO, you can't distribute derivative textures based on CL's original work. They havent made a big deal out of it to date, but with the new ownership, I wouldnt want to test the waters there. <br /> <br /> Further, Tormentor asked me about the status of the morphs you have in freestuff. Unless you can extract the model itself from the morph obj, there's no problem, even though the obj itself is made from the original mesh. But morphs are such that, without the original mesh, the file is useless, so it'd be kinda tough to claim copyright ownership, although these days it wouldnt surprise me that someone might. Still, given the you have to have Poser to do anything with the morph file, and considering those morphs you have are supporting P4 materials, my guess is that CL would probably look the other way.
Tormie [ Tuesday, 05 April 2005, 10:02 PM ]
Post subject: 
Thank you very much for your reply Sean <img src="" alt="" /> ! I asked Sean Martin for a third opinion, so now pangor, me and him are concordant: <br /> <br /> - Share texture maps containing the original ones is <b>prohibited</b> <br /> - Share a separate layer to apply over the original texture map is <b>ok</b> <br /> - Share morphs of Posette/Dork is <b>ok</b> <br /> <br /> pur0ng has removed his textures from his homepage too and is reworking them, if you need help just ask, pur0ng <img src="" alt="" /> ... <br /> <br /> This was an innocent error but it was useful to learn something more about legal problems related to 3d art... ( Tormie won't escape to Cuba anymore <img src="" alt="" /> )
Anonymous [ Tuesday, 05 April 2005, 11:18 PM ]
Post subject: 
Sean, thank you. <br /> <br /> Tormentor, In consideration of your questions about morphs, I examined the Poser 5 EULA. <br /> <br /> The geometry (obj files) of the characters are considered restricted content that can not be redistributed. However, the license does provide an excpetion for some restricted content including morphs and character files. <br /> <br /> Here is an excerpt from the section of the license that discusses this issue: <br /> <br /> <blockquote class="quote"><div class="quote-nouser">Quote:</div><div class="post-text"> <br /> The following are Legitimate Uses of Restricted Content: <br /> <br /> - Creating morph targets based on the Restricted Content provided that any distribution of the <br /> morph targets will not include the original mesh connectivity information. This can be in the form of data utilized with morph moving utilities or in a .CR2 file that references the original geometry but does not include the complete mesh. <br /> </div></blockquote> <br /> <br /> and latter in the same section about distributing characters. <br /> <br /> <blockquote class="quote"><div class="quote-nouser">Quote:</div><div class="post-text"> <br /> - Creating characters or props based on Restricted Content in proprietary file formats, where the original (or modified) geometry, texture, or other Restricted Content Files are not distributed with said characters or props. <br /> </div></blockquote> <br /> <br /> the sections ends with this statement <br /> <br /> <blockquote class="quote"><div class="quote-nouser">Quote:</div><div class="post-text"> <br /> J. As part of the legitimate uses for Restricted Content outlined above, you may reproduce, distribute, sell, copyright, publicly display, and publicly perform using Restricted Content provided that such activity is limited to the Legitimate Uses enumerated above and does not violate any other clauses in this agreement and/or applicable US copyright laws. <br /> </div></blockquote> <br /> <br /> Therefore of the items that incorporate some of Curious Lab's restricted content, that are in the free downloads section of Posetteforever, they are covered in the license as "Legitimate Uses of Restricted Content".--including the distribution of it. <br /> <br /> Posetteforever is clean and legal. <br /> <br /> Pangor
Tormie [ Tuesday, 05 April 2005, 11:28 PM ]
Post subject: 
Yep <img src="" alt="" /> ! pur0ng asked me if he could distribute a cr2 file with his owm-made-from-scratch texture so I think that the response is <b>yes</b>
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 12:06 AM ]
Post subject: 
I will need to reread the EULA to make certain but I think that there might me a slight problem in using a CR2 for that purpose. However, it is be better to create a MAT pose file rather than a CR2. The MAT files would be more flexible in being able to be used on any character using a texture based on the same UV Mapping. <br /> <br /> I will post my findings soon. <br /> <br /> Pangor
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 12:38 AM ]
Post subject: 
Right it is as I thought. As I interpret the sections of the EULA that I have already quoted, there is the problem that the figure files (CR2 and CRZ) contain the geometry of the morph targets. For distributing the textures within a figure file the file would have to have the standard morphs stripped out. That would resulting in a character that is even less flexible than the bas V3 and M3 models, unless the person downloading the file reinstalls the morphs. <br /> <br /> There may be an option that would make this sort of distribution legal but I need to verify it before commenting further. <br /> <br /> I will post the some more in a few minutes, if I find the information quickly enough. <br /> <br /> Pangor
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 01:28 AM ]
Post subject: 
Yes, this is a grey area that there is no clear answer that I can confirm. However there is one methods of dirtributing the CR2 file without having to strip anything from it. One workable solution that was even approved by DAZ is to use the RTEencoder to process the CR2 file. <br /> <br /> The custom character is developed and saved in the character library. Then the RTEncoder will process the new CR2 file and the original CR2 file that the character was developed and in the process will create a new file (the RTE file). The RTE file is distributed, the persons downloading the file will use RTEencoder to process the RTE file and their own copy of the original CR2 file to recreate the modified CR2 file. With all morphs still in place. The program can be found in several on-line sources, perhaps the most convienent source would be to do a search for RTEncoder in the free stuff section of Renderosity. <br /> <br /> Perhaps I am being too careful in my interpretation of the EULA, but this is one of the common ways to distribute custom CR2 and other poser files that is considered safe for distribute those files in a useful way without violating copyrights. As long as RTEncoders is used as it was intended to be used. <br /> <br /> Pangor
pur0nrg [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 01:42 AM ]
Post subject: 
Is it possible that I could be more confused now then before? <img src="" alt="" /> lol From what I understood, in my reading of whatever copyright file it was that I had read, and of course "my understanding of it" was that as far as the Curious Labs figures were concerned - those included with Poser 3, 4, 5 - you could do what you wanted with them and distribute or sell what you made from them as you saw fit. DAZ clearly states that is not the case: one reason I am working with Posette to begin with. I am not giving away any morphs or objs or..... I redid all the files that I had up previously with my own hand made skin texture as the background and reposted them. I applied all the new "skins" to Posette and saved them as new characters in my library, seeing as I don't know how to make a MAT pose file. If anyone wanted to use the textures I have done or the CR2 files they would have to 1.own Poser and 2.use Posette. If I am only supplying an add-on to a character I don't see why that should be an issue. I am not giving away anything that can be used without prior purchase from Curious Labs. I never thought trying to give away free stuff would be so hard <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> Would someone be willing to go to one of my sites and (if bandwidth permitting) download one of the outfit files I have posted for Posette and let me know if I am still in violation of any copyright rules. I am guessing that someone still has the address, afraid to repost it <img src="" alt="" /> Ok I have a monster headache now <img src="" alt="" /> So much easier just to download other people's stuff!!
pur0nrg [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 01:43 AM ]
Post subject: 
Oh as an aside and not that it really matters but I am a SHE <img src="" alt="" />
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 03:25 AM ]
Post subject: 
The the mesh for the morphs that I am talking about are stored in the CR2 files already. Look at the contents of a CR2 and you will see the character description, it uses a OBJ file for the base geometry but all the morphs including the morph mesh for the standard morphs such a smile and frown and other modifications are stored in the CR2. <br /> <br /> Reading the EULA, it is not made clear if those morphs are included in the exceptions to the restricted content handle clauses. I have not seen opinions on this issue, but no definitive statement from CL on this subject. So, it is better to error on the safe side. If the CR2 contains anything morphs that you did not create, use RTEncoder. <br /> <br /> There are free tools to create MAT pose files. But it is also pretty easy to do with nothing more than a text editor and Poser. <br /> <br /> Before any more confusion, are you familiar with the syntax of the contents of pozer files, CR2, CRZ, PZ3, etc? <br /> <br /> Pangor
Posy [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 03:25 AM ]
Post subject: 
Sorry my eye is not attached right now. Pardon me? What's the best one? Huh. Do you think robots can do to do with nothing more than a text editor and Poser.
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 03:31 AM ]
Post subject: 
Posy, that sound painful. COREMAN! We need a COREMAN now!! We have a serious occular detachment! What is the best what? Yes, if properly programmed thay can.
Posy [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 03:32 AM ]
Post subject: 
Do you mean you and me have?
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 03:33 AM ]
Post subject: 
Yes we have. <br /> <br /> Pangor
pur0nrg [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 03:50 AM ]
Post subject: 
I have no idea what a syntax is and I don't know what components make up a file. I know which folders to put them in and which ending stands for what type of file but that's the extent of my knowledge. I have seen some postings about editing files with a text editor and frankly I was lost. I am new to the Poser world and have spent much more time being frustrated and confused then succesful. I can't even seem to get a whole picture finished. I know my way around Photoshop so I decided to concentrate the bulk of my effort there and make freebies. I am so very NOT technically inclined, I just want to be creative. If the files I have up now are not stepping on any toes then I will leave it at that and if they are then I will take them down. I just wanted to give something back to the community but I didn't realize the mess it was going to turn into.
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 04:56 AM ]
Post subject: 
I understand the sentiment that you are expressing. It is too bad that your first effort ran into a brickwall. But it happens and once the bugs are worked out of the procedures, it won't be so bad in the future. If you would like, send me a PM with the URL for your website(s), and I will take a look and let you know how it appears and I will offer suggestions, if they are needed. <br /> <br /> Also I have seen others make similar mistakes, some of them not really beginners at all and in many cases there has been trouble for them and sometimes for the site that supported, hosted, or promoted them. Some have been, commiting willful theft. Of those who did not mean to be stealing: The non-beginners should have known better; Many of those beginners who start out with such incidents, don't (or won't) learn when they still have the chase. <br /> <br /> It appears from you words here, that none of that applies to you. You made an honest mistake and are willing to correct it. You appear willing to learn, and so I am willing to help. <br /> <br /> Pangor
Tormie [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 07:18 AM ]
Post subject: 
<blockquote class="quote"><div class="quote-user">pur0nrg";p="20343 wrote: </div><div class="post-text">Oh as an aside and not that it really matters but I am a SHE <img src="" alt="" /></div></blockquote> <br /> <br /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> .... <br /> <br /> Sorry lady ! : <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> I'm not blonde but I'm in good company here and it happened <img src="" alt="" /> ...
Tormie [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 07:20 AM ]
Post subject: 
Anyway, I think that you can safely distribute a cr2 file with the original morphs simply because all the characters that I saw and downloaded for free includes the original morphs.
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 07:34 AM ]
Post subject: 
I was thinking the same thing based on what I have seen offered in other downloads. I just wish that I could find a definitive statement confirming it. But I am not about to email CL, I don't need anymore red tape and pass the buck situations right now. I am still recovering from my last encounter with red tape. <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Pangor
pur0nrg [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 05:05 PM ]
Post subject: 
So I downloaded and installed Mat Pose Edit and yes it is very easy to understand and use. I now, however, cannot run Poser. <br /> <br /> XML Error <br /> Parser Error: not well-formed at line 7 <br /> <br /> I get that message when I try to start Poser and then it shuts down. Do you know what I can do to remedy this. I tried deleting the files that were copied over to my System32 folder but that did nothing, <br /> and there is nothing in my control panel/add remove programs regarding MPE. <br /> <br /> I apologize for continuing to post my messages here even though they do not concern freebies but it all started here and I figured if someone were to help me they would be able to read my previous posts. I hope that it is not a problem. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Thanks, Pur (A.k.a Frustrated Beyond Belief)
Tormie [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 06:25 PM ]
Post subject: 
Oh, no problem Pur0ng ! <img src="" alt="" /> As for your error, I don't know, I never used mat pose edit... However you can reinstall poser, it will not delete your libraries (but you can backup the runtime directory for added security), it's the solution I use when I made a mess (as usual <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> )
pur0nrg [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 08:03 PM ]
Post subject: 
Yah thanks, I re-installed Poser and it's working fine now. Scared to try out Mat Pose Edit again though lol I think I'd rather have my Poser working then that <img src="" alt="" />
Anonymous [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 08:47 PM ]
Post subject: 
I got the URLs that you sent me, but they are at yahoo. For some reason, yahoo groups and my brower don't like each other. <br /> <br /> About MAT poses: <br /> <br /> OK, I guess it is time to boot up Windows and do a little research for a tutorial. I will be back in a while. <br /> <br /> Pangor
Poserkatz [ Wednesday, 06 April 2005, 09:47 PM ]
Post subject: 
Since years there is a lot of freestuff out there with cr2-files of posette, dork <br /> and also Victoria 1 and 2, also Michael 1 and 2. <br /> All the cr2s are unusable without the geometry-file (obj). <br /> So if a cr2-file highly modiefied, it also needs regulary a modified mesh-obj. <br /> But THE obj is protected - not the modiefied cr2. <br /> For this reason, if a new obj (mesh, geometry)-file is necessary to use the modified <br /> cr2-file, it has to be encoded (with RTE or Objaction Mover), both a freeware-utilities. <br /> Than you can decode the obj-file, only if you have the original-obj-file installed. <br /> Therefore it is no violence against copyrights to give a cr2 file for free away with <br /> P3 P4 M1 and 2, V 1and 2, Stephanie 1. <br /> <br /> The 3rd generation DAZ-figures aka Victoria 3, Aiko 3, Girl, Michael 3 and so on have <br /> Injection-morphs, so they cannot distribute as cr2-files, it's against the law. <br /> DAZ has especially for V1 and 2, M 1 and 2, S 1 and Millenium Girls/boys "redistributable" <br /> files in the freestuff-area! <br /> <br /> Based on my knowledge it 's not a problem to give cr2s away for free. <br /> <br /> Poserkatz

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