Hi! I'm still here... And Happy easter ! »  Show posts from    to     

♥ PosetteForever ♥

The Posetteforever diary - Hi! I'm still here... And Happy easter !

Tormie [ Friday, 14 April 2006, 08:49 PM ]
Post subject: Hi! I'm still here... And Happy easter !
Hi friends <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/TFR718 (6).gif" alt="" /> <br /> Just to let you know that I'm still alive, lol and to not let you think that I'm going to leave my interest in 3d art, Posette <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/heartbeat.gif" alt="" /> and Posetteforever <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/heartbeat.gif" alt="" /> so I'll tell you some things that are happening to me in this period: <br /> I've been very busy with the election here in Italy because I'm involved in a political party but I decided to not be so much deep into it because it causes me a lot of additional stress and I've enough of it with my job, lol. In this period I had to discuss a ticket got by the police in front of a judge, this is linked with a refund that an insurance company has to give me for a car crash I had the last october, it took me a lot of extra time because here in Italy justice is not a simple thing. However I won :whistle:. <br /> One week ago someone has stolen my car :uuh:. This is a problem even if my insurance will cover the loss, but it means a lot of burocracy and probably I won't be able to buy another car before summer or autumn, however the good season is coming and, you know, I've a scooter <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/heartbeat.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/lol.gif" alt="" /> ... <br /> <br /> The real problem with all these things that happened or are happening to me is that I need probably to relax my brain because I think to have lost the inspiration for my pictures. I began two or three of them but I decided that they are poor and not funny, plus I've a project with Kenny ( <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/redembarrassed.gif" alt="" /> )that is still unfinished and I hope he will forgive me <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/redembarrassed.gif" alt="" /> even if I'll work on it soon. Probably when all this annoying thing will come to an end the inspiration will come again <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/smile.gif" alt="" /> . <br /> <br /> It's sad to say that the real life overcome all the rest and everyone of us as to face these problems first because our art is a hobby, but as I said this is sad ! <br /> In the period that we have passed together I was very glad and honored to know some of you and exchange our life experiences so I know that I'm not the only one to have problems, on the contrary mine are a poor thing, so sometimes I feel myself unharmed because I would be closer to a friend who needs help but I can't or I've not enough resources to help. Talking on Posetteforever give me the impression to be all friends living in the same place so that I can go out of my house and meet one of you after the corner of the street <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/lol.gif" alt="" /> but the reality is different and it give me the feeling of how fragile is the link between us. However friends, you can count on Tormie if you need help, I'll do all I can for my friends because you're a living and important part of my life who has given me a lot, expecially in terms of serenity, fun and peace. <br /> Also, I want to thank you a lot for your help to have kept the site clean and ordered when I was not here plus to have added very interesting and valuable contents <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/heartbeat.gif" alt="" /> . As usual I won't write names, you know that the only prize here are the candies of the interview and the game room <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/lol.gif" alt="" /> but thank you friends <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/TFR718 (6).gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/heartbeat.gif" alt="" /> , this site is living thanks to your work (and Tormie has already paid the bills to godaddy for the next year <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> ) <br /> <br /> So the next schedule will be to send Kenny the question for the interview :lol:, it will be done tomorrow when I'll be home from work, then I'll have to upgrade the site to the last version. I'll go to Mom <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/heartbeat.gif" alt="" /> home sunday for the easter day but I'll be home in the afternoon after a superlunch and I think to work on one of my unfinished picture and hopefully complete it. <br /> <br /> Ah! <br /> <br /> Happy easter friends <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/lol.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_dance.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_dance.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_dance.gif" alt="" /> !!
JanReinar [ Friday, 14 April 2006, 10:42 PM ]
Post subject: 
Happy Easter my friend! <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/TFR718 (6).gif" alt="" />
Posy [ Friday, 14 April 2006, 10:42 PM ]
Post subject: 
In the context of ps, I don't understand "pshug2ps. "
tda42 [ Saturday, 15 April 2006, 01:00 AM ]
Post subject: 
Happy Easter Davide. Yes it helps to talk and though I have been very busy I myself have not forgotton all of you. So if you want to PM me I am always wanting a good chat. This is the street corner we meet in our lives and it holds good memories as well. <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/heartbeat.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/heartbeat.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/heartbeat.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/thumb.gif" alt="" />
Posy [ Saturday, 15 April 2006, 01:00 AM ]
Post subject: 
Interesting deduction. OK, I will PM him or her he or she is always wanting a good chat.
melamkish [ Saturday, 15 April 2006, 02:14 AM ]
Post subject: 
Happy Easter! We know you've been busy. Don't worry or despair. I recall that someone created PosetteForever as a place to kick off their shoes and relax. Do that. We'll still be here minding the wine cabinet until you are relaxed enough to jump back in, though the wine cabinet might be empty and in need of restocking! <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/lol.gif" alt="" />
posfan [ Monday, 17 April 2006, 01:02 AM ]
Post subject: 
hey....leave me some of that wine! <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/lmao.gif" alt="" /> <br /> <br /> Happy Easter to all!!!
Tormie [ Monday, 17 April 2006, 07:22 AM ]
Post subject: 
<img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/lol.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/lol.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/lol.gif" alt="" />
tda42 [ Monday, 17 April 2006, 02:39 PM ]
Post subject: 
<img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/thumb.gif" alt="" />
Anonymous [ Sunday, 30 April 2006, 03:42 AM ]
Post subject: 
Where did all these empty bottles come from? <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_eh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_eh.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/eusa_eh.gif" alt="" />
Tormie [ Sunday, 30 April 2006, 08:10 AM ]
Post subject: 
<img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/redembarrassed.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/redembarrassed.gif" alt="" /> <img src="https://www.posetteforever.com/images/smiles/redembarrassed.gif" alt="" />
Posy [ Sunday, 30 April 2006, 08:10 AM ]
Post subject: 
I've lost the context, Tormie. Are we still on pshug2ps?

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