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♥ PosetteForever ♥

The Posetteforever diary - Sources of Inspiration

hanzoushinrei [ Saturday, 23 February 2008, 10:50 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Sources Of Inspiration
I hold dear to British artist Jamie Hewlett's (Tank Girl, Gorillaz) credo: <br /> <br /> Start an art in a spontaneous way, with no planning whatsoever, no storyboard, just draw as your hand leads you. Randomness is your muse. <br /> <br /> sort of what my martial art instructor told me before going to the fight...don't think, don't anticipate, but just go with the flow.... <br /> <br /> I just load up posette. And i randomly pick a freestuff (prop, building etc) and from there I construct a story, an art, a series.... <br /> <br /> ...just like and indie movie. So unpredictable. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />

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