Two Ways To Make Stuff Glow... »  Show posts from    to     

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Texture knitting - Two Ways To Make Stuff Glow...

Nik [ Sunday, 13 March 2022, 05:03 PM ]
Post subject: Two Ways To Make Stuff Glow...
I'm usually happy making lights etc glow using 'super-ambient', but there is an undocumented limit. The surface brightness does <b><i>not </i></b>increase if dialled beyond a dozen or so. This is not a problem if you have 'luminaires' with a large surface area, like ceiling-panel lights. It is a nuisance if skinny 'strip-lights', exasperating if pendant bulbs or wall sconces. The latter may need lonnnng renders to accumulate enough virtual photons... <br /> <br /> ( Else, Plan_B, hiding new Poser point-source lights within... ) <br /> <br /> Oddly, none of the Poser gurus seem prepared to discuss this limit. I get feeling 'super-ambient' facility may be a 'legacy' feature, or an accidental oopsie like 'cross-talk' that proved useful. And, in subsequent versions, may be quietly deprecated then lost... <br /> <br /> The second route is to pull-on your mail shark-suit, buckle your weight-belt, check your twin SCUBA tanks and pony-bottle, plunge into Cycles... <br /> <br /> IMHO, Pp_11's Cycles UI makes using it hard work. Lists should be alphabetic beyond first few 'handy' options. There should be a 'directory', and there really, <b><i>really </i></b>should be a <b><i>map</i></b>. <br /> <br /> Okay, rant over. <br /> <br /> After brisk discussion at Rendo', and ingestion of <b><i>sufficient </i></b>caffeine via several mugs of 'Builders Tea', I've learned the basics of how to get 'Emission' working. <br /> <br /> There are two 'gotchas'-- Okay, three. <br /> First, 'Cycles' is <b><i>much </i></b>more powerful and complex, this is but the 'kindergarten wall'. <br /> Second, Cycles UI is <b><i>seriously </i></b>unfriendly, see rant above. <br /> Third, the FX only shows up when you render in Superfly. So, lots of test-renders. <br /> <br /> Okay, you need two test-subjects. I'll use the default prop 'box', usually found in Poser Primitives between 'Bowl' and 'Cane'. <br /> Load one into scene, move it along a few feet. Load or duplicate another. Position handy... <br /> <br /> <b>First way</b>: Super-ambient <br /> Go to Material room, click on first prop box in mini-window or object list. <br /> Select 'advanced' tab. Should now show 'Poser Surface' list. <br /> Set 'Ambient Color' to taste, usually a light hue. <br /> Set 'Ambient Value' in range 1~~10, which should bring up a nice glow. <br /> <br /> <b>Second way</b>: Cycles' Emission (very basic) <br /> Go to Material room, click on second prop box in mini-window or object list. <br /> Select 'advanced' tab. <br /> To right of 'Poser Surface' list, there should be an empty gray area between list and too-skinny scroll-bar. <br /> Right-click there. Menu pops up, 'New Node'. <br /> Follow this right via Root to 'Cycles Surface'. Left-click on this to select. <br /> <br /> Right-click in the empty gray area below this small, new list. <br /> <br /> Menu pops up, 'New Node'. <br /> Follow this right via Cycles, Shader, Emission. Left-click on this. <br /> <br /> Left click and drag the white Emission spot-tab onto the Cycles Surface black spot-tab. <br /> This should create a link or channel. <br /> <br /> In Cycles Surface list, left-click the Superfly Root tick-box to enable it. <br /> <br /> In Emission list, set Color and Strength to taste. <br /> Test-render in Superfly, iterate until satisfied... <br /> <br /> Low values of 'Super-Ambient' and 'Emission' are similar brightness, but 'Emission' does not max-out, may be dialled to 'bleach'. <br /> <br /> Have fun !!
rico [ Monday, 14 March 2022, 09:45 AM ]
Post subject: Re: Two Ways To Make Stuff Glow...
<img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> Thank you kindly Nik, I didn't even realise there was a limit!

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