Seeing Futura (which I think really *is* the name of a car by Ford, but oh, well) got me to thinking that it's all very well having a robot... but what about the lab?
So I decided to whip up a few items in 3D MAX and (hopefully) convert them for Poser use.
I have the tools. I have the technology. (I don't have six million dollars, but I'm pretty sure I can build 'em better, faster, stronger...)
This is a really quick prototype of what I mean. Forgive the roughness, it's just put out here to gain some ideas from you all before I start serious meddling... er.. modelling.
I may need help when texturing, but the neat part about going all Art Deco is that it's mostly chrome and plastics anyway!
(I hope to add a bunch of Strickfaden devices if I can model then as well. Good thing I own "Young Frankeinstein" on DVD...)
Any comments... or am I as mad as the scientests?