Hi friends...
First of all, I couldn't have noticed this error because I've not uploaded pictures for a long time , anyway, you all are supposed to be notified by email for new comments, this was not happening.
After some hours of studying the code I found where the error was, or, better, that was a strange thing and I will notify it to the author of our software (I'm in the staff there at icyphoenix even if I never go there ), more strange is that it was working for a while and then it stopped working for a reason or another.
Technically speaking, in order to generate the email the software needs the pic id (the number of the pic) and in order not to generate an error it identify it using also the pic title and the time where it was uploaded. For a reason that I don't actually know the title was no more a valid value, so the software generated a straight "0" every time and no email . I modified the code in the way it takes now the pic time and the username instead of the title, it should not generate errors, and it worked
Meanwhile I manually rewrote the specific table in the database so now ALL your pictures, old ones included, will generate an email notification when there is a new comment (before the modification only the pictures posted after the last update did it)
This function is a major feature of the forum, I'm very sorry that it didn't work for a long time ... Nevertheless I don't understand why no one said me that it was not working ...
On a side note, I'm still investigating on the "INTERNAL SERVER ERROR" that appears randomly.
Godaddy gave me back a stupid reply saying that I've to change a file that was working for years .
In the weekend I'll move the database part of the site to a new one, it should be on a different server at godaddy and we'll see what will happen