Hi ! I've recently frequented that wiki, found it very, very useful. Both the exhaustive alphabetic listing of add-ons and the essential links back-tracing eg clothing textures to the original work have saved me a lot of tedious Googling...
I don't know about the legalities, beyond site-closures meaning that a lot of classic fun files have been lost or are now haplessly quarantined.
Their enclosed 'ReadMe' may not mention use-conditions, the contact details have long since lapsed and, in DAZ forums' opinion, the wayback machine counts as redistribution, which they consider taboo by default...
As a result, my forum pleas for help tracing several classic items' modellers were culled for mentioning the availability of archived files or that I'd found a 'long lost' file on a forgotten slide-mount drive...
eg: I'd found a 'mertail' on that old D: drive which allowed completion of an 'Arial-like' figure. But, for legal reasons, specifically the lack of conditions in the ReadMe, I cannot send that .obj to modellers needing it.
IIRC, this hay have something to do with the back-lash against certain SL modellers' flagrant piracy...