A member at Daz started a freebie list and I just got done going thru it. I picked up about 30 more links that are not listed in our own list. There are some good ones, and here are the ones that have the most P3 and P4 stuff. I will try to roll these into the current update I am working on.
Posette stuff at bottom of page - http://www.paintedpixels.com/poserdownloads/
At the bottom there is a Posette and Dork Joint setting tool - http://www.shininghalf.com/desprit/downloads/
Props - http://www.george.3dbeast.com/page2.html
P3 and P4 Models - http://www.george.3dbeast.com/page2.html
P4 stuff - http://cyber-fyber.bbay.com/CF-Pages/CF-Poses.html
Sara, Mayadoll, Her - http://www.realmofsavage.com/ros_dloads.htm
P3,P4,P5 - http://digital-depictions.com/free3d.htm
P4 - http://insel.heim.at/malediven/352020/
Catsuit, hair, character morph (?) - http://www.geocities.com/thehorrorchannel/download.html
Lots of models - http://www.geocities.com/iamthe14u2c/Models1.html
Props and more - http://www.uwegoetz-online.de/
Plants - http://www.uwegoetz-online.de/
Car models - http://dmi.chez-alice.fr/models1.html
lots Posette stuff - http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~pcooke/graphics/examples.htm
Have fun!