I tried and tried to learn 'rigging' back in my P_4 days, failed abjectly.
When i upgraded to P_7, I also bought a stack of books. Due family illness and a cascade of PC drive failures etc, I never did install P_7...
Anyhow, I'm having another go at learning rigging with P_11. Having checked there's nothing better, I dusted off those books, found 'Secrets of figure creation' and 'How d'you do that'.
But could I make sense of them ? TSB,NFC...
Then, after it had spent a migraine-inducing month or two atop my frequent-reading pile in washroom, I glanced at 'How' this morning and, to my astonishment, I sorta understood...
'Doing the Workflow' is a different matter, of course, of course, but, hey, got foot onto ladder rung...