What could they possibly not like about that picture?
According to the honorable parent's comittee's , middle-age like dogmas everything related to death, coffins, blood , sexy ladys , child figures, and of course gothic stuff is consided "not-normal". According to the honorable parent's comittee's in case of such "not-normal" illustrations,writings,music or any other form of art the patient (aka me) must be:
1. Critisized for doing amoral activity , most likely caused by bad influence sources such as Internet, "not-normal" books, tv and of course the worse of them this "cacophony" called gothic ,power or symphonic metal or any other sort of cacophony called metal
2. If the first thing do not affect the patient the honorable parent's comittee reserve the right to say : "You must be crazy to create such things!"
3. If the second method don't affect the patient and the patient continue to create "not-normal" illustrations and writings or run over to "not-normal" sources of influence the honorable parent's comittee reserve the right to consult a good well paid psychiatrist.
Note: Number 3 is in force expecially when it comes to a young girl's dead body surrounded by demi-transparent humanoid creations without shadows.