I'm sorry I haven't been posting much but I've just been very stressed out over my health issues and haven't felt like talking about it much. I've mostly just tried to keep it out of my mind until I had my doctor's appt today. I have cancer in my uterus and everything has to come out, even some lymp nodes in that area (to make sure they have got it all the doctor said) He says it's a cancer that is treatable as long as it hasn't spread over 50 precent or spread outside the uterus and is a more common type of female cancer. I'm having surgery on the 20th of this month in Eugene Oregon and hopefully all will go well and I'll be back home around 3 to 4 days later. Bob <my boyfriend> is going to be with me the whole time and will not return to work until I'm able to be up and driving again. I thank you all for your well wishes and good thoughts and I hope to be back in full sillyness very soon
Love ya all