The album

The album
Tormentor";p="25414 wrote: 
     This rule about usernames can easily be avoided, I can say that my name is Robert de Niro but I'm not the actor... In any case the best thing is to stop for the future the new registration made using free email services, using a "classic" email from an isp means that the user could be easily targeted and he/she is discouraged from doing things like the "borg group" did.

I'm working on it, actually I activate the accounts manually, in the next future with an automatic procedure.

I have to agree. The best form to avoid more "Borgs" is forbid free email services the most of Brazilian Forums do it!

 JanReinar [ 05 Oct 2005 13:56 ]

The album
pangor";p="25410 wrote: 
The shadow picture, well it is like an ink blot test what it shows depends on the viewer.  (My first thought was that it was a shadow of something he was holding, like a flashlight or a rolling pin.  It was not until some time latter when I starting thinking of what else it could be.  The bath tub picture is no problem for me.

I was unfamilar with Thilda's picture, so I located it in the album.  "The faun"  Once again no problem.  In the context of the overall work, it may be close to the line, but it has not crossed it.

Thinking back on Mizrael's picture that we had to act on, that one did cross the line.

Based on these i believe that we need to not concentrate so much on the content of the image as much as how we interpret the context and intent of its composition.

Based on this and what has been said by all so for, I will post a first draft of a revision for everyone to consider.


I agree with all of Pangor post one of two too pics had closed to the Mizrael's! However unhappyly I had to transfer the fist the first pic to the testing gallery. One of the mine!   Friends when I post it I was thinking that it was harmless and it was used to illustrated a free age Brazilian SF Magazine! My appologies if I upset someone and I will delete it with you think better.

Last edited by JanReinar on 05 Oct 2005 17:27; edited 1 time in total 
 JanReinar [ 05 Oct 2005 14:53 ]
I would like to point out one thing about this. This is not to say to you my friend that you don't have money, but it goes out to people that really lac funds to pay for Poser clothes. So they post them nude to get a little bit of worth out of the software they bought or not understanding for the first time just how to put clothes on a Poser. In JRs picture it should be left up to the Mods and not the person who is the artist. Like for instance JR you made a picture like you have and you see now for the first time that it may not be right with the rules. Well look how long it has taken for someone to see it and it needs to be left up to the Mod to see if it is right for the gallery. Its like I have said, in other countries people react to art diffirent. Then people start by being to harsh on themselves when all along the rules where in place for them. If we get to carried away with rules of what has just happened, then people like Johnny will react to things like this and pull there work out left to right. There for It should be under the artists care when upload takes place. From that time after it should be the Mods worry. An artist should take pride in his or her work. Not worry about it.

 tda42 [ 05 Oct 2005 16:56 ]
You are a good friend Kenny and also have a great brain and a larger heart!    

I never think on that picture as something wrong ou ugly. I always will have a pride of it as I have of all my works. I will not delete it from my HDs it and I am not thinking that I never had do it on that way. I am not angry with myself or judgegind my art. I was only thinking that I need to reminds it to all of you as Thilda made with hers.

 JanReinar [ 05 Oct 2005 17:12 ]
I know that we have a delicate point with the subjetive view of the art. It is more delicate when we are looking from the eyes of people who came from differents countries and cultures. It always be a difficult thing. But one of the reasons what I post my work here is know what people from others countries and cultures think about. And if a cross some line I want that you my friends   tell me it!  

Nothing is more follish or sick that thinking know what all Humanity have to think when are seeing our works. I belive that all of us are here on Earth to learn and I enjoy myself learning with you even in bad times!  

 JanReinar [ 05 Oct 2005 18:00 ]

 Tormie [ 05 Oct 2005 19:17 ]
There is so much great art in the album that I have yet to see.  This one is one of those that I have not seen before.  I see nothing wrong with it, it is a beautiful work of art.  That is why we have to be careful in how any rules are written, so as to not discourage good art like this.  I am tempted to move it back to the main album right now.

But I will leave the choice up to you.  Do you want to put this picutre up for a poll vote?  or would you rather withdraw the picture from consideration and move it back to the gallery were it was before?  My opinion is move it back.

There is a danger that given time we may start going too far.

Yesterday, I was reviewing some of my artworks (that have already been uploaded) to review how light setting affected some skin textures.  I noticed a small detail in one of them that I had not noticed before, (that is what got be wondering about pubic hair in images).  For a moment I was thinking that perhaps I should submit that picuture for review, then I took a short break.  When I came back to my computer the picutere was still on the screen.  I viewing the picture again with the eye twords beauty and not a technical analysis I was saw it for the beauty and joy that it presents and I remembered what was  in my mind when I created it and more important, what was NOT in my mind at that time.  That is when I realized how far we could go down a dark path.  Let us not permit, the loss of our vision for beauty and joy in our works be the, lasting legacy of the Gojira gang presence at Posetteforever.

Here is the picture that I was reviewing that I found the little detail in,

Virgina First Sitting Part 32 - Dance 4


 pangor [ 05 Oct 2005 20:42 ]
There's nothing wrong with that picture John ! The context is just very clean !

Friends, we are talking about perverted and/or doubtful meaning pictures ! The pictures that I've deleted showed genitals not because the context of the picture needed them but the genital themselves were the main "character" (hard to explain...). Being "hard" and shocking was the purpose for doing it, it was not like the penis of David (of Michelangelo of course, not mine     ) as "vonfranck" said. That penis was there because the model was a man, the sculpture was not based on schoking the people for the penis.

Actually I wasn't shocked and saw the picture only after a complain, but the close ups of the genitals and the real persons naked pushed me to delete the picture.

In the past I've done the same with one of Deviant Viking pic and he understood with no problems, a matter of how a person have a brain or not...

I think non of "our" pictures are made for shocking the viewer with nudity

 Tormie [ 05 Oct 2005 21:10 ]
I have been trying to put that idea into words and you have done better than my attempts.  It so not so much the content of the image as the context in which that content is presented and that is what is hard to describe in any set of rules.  So I have written and discarded a couple of drafts and started over again.  The other hard part is how to expound on what is not acceptable without giving ideas to problem members to try to test or subvert.

When I go to a new site I lurk their gallery for a while to see my works are acceptable by both the written rules and existing artworks in the gallery.  If in doubt, even if I think the issue in question is silly, I will ask those in charge of the site or the gallery as appropriate.  I know that others do that too, what I can not understand is why people like Vonfranck and Mizrael insist on testing the limits and then become angy when the learn that they have crossed it.


 pangor [ 05 Oct 2005 23:23 ]
I had time to saw lots of the album pic and none are like "VonFranck Grouchos" or "Mizreal Male Pole Dancers"! I transfered that pic to Testing Gallery none because it is the only one with nude children I can find! I agree that only a very sick person can see anything perverted in it!

 JanReinar [ 06 Oct 2005 00:15 ]
Ok, actually I've deleted my "shadow on the wall" picture because it was too much on the edge...

 Tormie [ 22 Oct 2005 23:34 ]
... these "scissors in brain" and other self censorship stuff scares me...       

 ahjah [ 23 Oct 2005 01:57 ]
I understand what you mean Andreas, I put a "final" phrase on the front page for guests (I found it on another site) "We are a family web site so posting of adult style content is forbidden". We've tried to find the limit and because it has been told to me that probably that picture was out of the limit I removed it...   Maybe it should be better to leave the decision to the staff group even if it was a picture of mine   . I see if I can save it from the backup of the site...

 Tormie [ 23 Oct 2005 10:16 ]
Ok, I found and restored it on a backup, but I left out the thumbnail, however I move it to the testing gallery for your opinion, please...

(I found the situation half comic and half

 Tormie [ 23 Oct 2005 10:35 ]
In keeping with how we were testing the handling of this sort of issue, I have started a new topic with a 7-day poll to register opinions about this picture.


 pangor [ 24 Oct 2005 20:42 ]
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