I went to his sit and had a look. Me not into that kind of thing but still with an open mind does not understand his gift but has understood him. He is a graphics artist with a website and is married. He seems to have some good ideas and that is why I keep an open mind. The anal probe thinggy I think might have started with Southparks show with an anal probe that was planted in Carman in one episode. I have noticed that on his web site he seems to be a fan of Southpark. I have looked at some of his art as well and he is good with morphs and light. He to me is experamenting with the values of what can be done with Poser nude or not. GP and DV have done the same as well and I am tring to make this fair. He just to me did not see the rules. As for Posy I think some times we joke at her to get a reaction and don't really see the harm in it. I have done it in forums here and always had a good laugh with her. Maybe that was a reaction of fitting in as well. We all have to cailm down with all if this and see just really what was the intent. We are starting to build walls again and be afraid of people. Thilda I think you made contact with him if I remember right at another site. Talk to him and explain what had happen with us here. He just doesn't know why we are on guard here but we simply can't stay this way forever. If it leaks back to the other forums in other sites, some people might think that we have become a cult. Thats not us folks. We are friendly. He just has a site and has directed his link to it for a get to know me thing. I don't think he even sales stuff there. Ask him if he would like a link and a banner put where the rest are. Just my thought but he has stated nude was sometimes a bad thing but not when you are experimenting with realism and light on a Poser subject. Him being a Graphics Artist one would think it would come up with the nude and other adult subjects now and then. We have had adult subjects here. It's been a playful manner. Again just my thought. Kenny is waiting for the Axe.