Ok, maybe i should have written it better. It is best to use one's own models when sharing stuff. It is not ok to share stuff that you do not have permission to share. It is not ok to share other ppls's creations without asking them and it is not ok to go against a readme that says do not redistribute.
"You can never judge this mishap as a forever thing. That would be unfair to others. "
I aggree that it is unfair to others. But this "mishap" It is not the first time someone has stolen something of mine and redistributed it, it is not the 2nd someone has done it or the 3rd, 4th, or the 5 time etc. It has happened several times. It is sad that someone chooses to ruin things for everyone else, but i am not to blame here, the thieves are. I don't choose to be unfair to the others, i choose to stand up for myself when someone is stealing from me.
"What I am saying is things happen and people do make real honest mistakes."
I don't think this was a mistake, i think he simply doesn't care. i think the only reason he backed off was because it was in his best intrest to do so, because the majority of the Poser community thik it is wrong to steal. I think that he does know better and i know ppl have talked to him about copyright issues in the past when he has stolen from others and he didn't like it.
"We can't just stop. It is in our nature to always pick it up and keep on going. "
Yes and as the creator it is my right to choose how i will pick things up and how i will keep going.
"So in a nut shell, no caring, no sharing means no nothing. Without a care, see how long and boring Poser would be without sharing and think of all before us that did share"
I am actually amazed that you say that to me. if what you mean is: that if i don't share my creations with others, i don't care and if i don't share it means nothing. And that i should think about those before me who did share..
I do think about those before me who shared their creations and those who do it now. I think is wrong to steal from them too. I am grateful that there are ppl in the Poser community who are genrous with their creativity and time and how chooses to share for the benefit of thoers. I have created freebies partly because of that, partly because of what i think of the whole selling thing and partly for my own private reasons.
About the sharing and caring part, kenny you have 1 item in the freestuff here, i have 37. I also have 23 freebies on another site. I have one tut in two forums on different sites teaching ppl how to make their own morphs. I have spent many hours teaching ppl privately about Poser and morphing through pm:s, emails and chatts. I have created stuff especially for ppl who have asked me and those items are not up in forums since they were personal gifts.
I have never charge any money for anything when it comes to being creative and sharing. The last part of your post offends me, because i have shared a lot more than you and i have helpted ppl more than you. So you should not be teaching me about sharing or caring.
For me, this mess was over and i was going and still is going to let it rest. I am asking everyone here to just let this thread die.