I think it's leahman again (I mean the problem), with that black (ugly) little girl and a black woman with huge tits compared to the normal blonde woman standing on the other side. There are not any other pictures here that can be misunderstood, I made a little black fairy once and Ahjah's AND Whazizname's ones are only black beauties, like John's characters, they are only characters with a different skin color.
If you can, Kenny, PM me the name of the person who complained, personally I don't know the color of your skin friends (and it never had a meaning for me knowing it...) so that I can excuse me personally with him.
Now, lehaman.
I had an exchange of PM about religion, politic and all, he has his own, I've mine, but he take it on personal, every time.
What we should do with him ? I can't talk to him anymore, because he sees me as an atheist, a communist , an antiamerican, the son of the devil and probably the antichrist itself
I'll be clear, I like the way he put his characters in a picture but the problem, a part this last one, is that here we're an international community, each picture should be clear for everyone, from Italy if I see a donkey and an elephant they are only two funny animals, and I can reply with a laugh, maybe I laughed at something serious and I don't even know
, same for the black characters , i really can't understand the "american" meaning.
In this case a detailed explanation should be needed, like if I post a picture specific to Italy and I've to explain how it works in my culture.
So maybe , after a huge dinner (so the blood is not working exactly on my brain now...) maybe the right solution, instead of a ban on politic or religion, a general rule should be for a picture or a post that
"nothing should be intended to offend anyone for his religion, political faith, race", if a complain is received or the meaning should be even for a bit misunderstood it will be deleted. Detailed explanations are needed if the picture is specific to the culture of a country" (please translate it in proper english
Some of you may ask why I still tolerate leahamn, it's because I thought he could be of some help, as a rich man, for some people here that are in need, I'm still tolerating him for this reason and because I don't think that he is evil but that his political and religious orientations suffocates his artistical potential.
So said, what we can do ? I suggest you, friends to help me a little, writing him directly why his pictures are not welcome in the way they are made, and why, as staff, we decided to delete some of them. I don't want to ban him even because I think he is going away for himself already, and for me this is sad because I passed with him some funny moments
If you've a solution that can save us from this moment please write it, I mean, something clear and not an intention, something that can be written like a rule, easy to understand and that can't not be avoided.
Meanwhile Kenny, you're in contact with the person who complained, if he or she can, he should write me, if not, say him or her that we're working on it and that he or she will see a solution soon