Sorry to hear about your carpal tunnel syndrome Rene. That is a very painful and annoying
condition. A friend of mine had the same problem and after surgery, seems to be OK.
I think that a lot of the problem has to do with repetitive motion as far as using a keyboard and
a mouse for long periods of time on a daily basis as well as how your arm and wrist are supported.
I will put up a
Poser pic to show my setup that seems to work for me.
I'm a leftie as well, but I can't use a mouse with my left hand to save my life....
I use my right hand for the mouse, but can't write with it to save my life.
When I used to play soccer, I used to fool the opposition.
I was the goalie and I could be seen throwing the ball with my right hand.
When I would kick the ball away, the opposition came in from the right side,
because they assumed I was right handed. I kicked with my left foot and that used to really mess with them.