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*SIGH* :crybaby: My candies... ](*,)

Last edited by Tormie on 27 Jan 2004 20:39; edited 1 time in total
Den Tracy";p="5804 wrote: 
What I was trying to say is that I have learned NOTHING from the mainstream 3D forums, absolutely nothing, because there were/are not any individuals to tell me how I could improve any of my images.
Postwork is a waste of time because of the speech bubbles covering up the props and a lot of other things.

The problem is, there usualy isn't anything [that I can see] that needs improvement.
Except for that one speech bubble that was making confusion I commented on, there hasn't really been anything :-k
Face it Den, you've perfectionized what you do :bigrinnin:


The problem is, there usualy isn't anything [that I can see] that needs improvement.
Except for that one speech bubble that was making confusion I commented on, there hasn't really been anything
Face it Den, you've perfectionized what you do

If that ain't a complement I don't know what is!!! :-s

I see... so does that mean that I have learned all that there is to possibly know ?
Looks like a big YES to me.
The defense rests its case.

Yes Landman, to the untrained eye it does appear to be a complement in disguise at first glance.
After hours of analysis, it would appear not to be the case... :bigrinnin:

Just kidding Ken.
It looks like you may be right.
So...what the hell am I doing here with the rest of you ? :-k :-k :-k

BYE-BYE ! :bigrinnin:

Profile PM  
Oh, so now you're suddenly too good for us, eh?
Tsk :-({|=

The most important thing is to enjoy what you do for your own sake. Any artistic endeavour should be to please the artist first, anything else is simply a bonus.

Den, the fact that your art/'toons reach so many people who share a joke with you is something to be very proud of, in my humble opinion :) .

Your skill in rendering that art in such an accessable form is not to be underestimated. As I have commented before, your posing and expressions carry so much weight in your images that the emotions/feelings/opinions of the characters in the images is instantly recognisable to all. That is a skill that is seldon recognised or commented on but is often registered subliminally by the viewer, who may not even be able to pinpoint the reason the image works so well.

Nobody has ever claimed that Gray Larson is the great modern artist of our time... but a heluva lot of people sure miss his little 'toons now he's stopped doing them. I think there would be a lot of people around the Poser forums that would think the same way about your work.

Just my two-cents :)

Last edited by Ozymandias Jones on 28 Jan 2004 13:01; edited 1 time in total
Profile PM  
Subject: Re: Time to move on
Ken, I was only kidding about the last comment. Remember, I have a box full of sarcasm
hand grenades (mostly used at PoserPros in the Discussion Forum)... :bigrinnin:

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This made me less than popular with some regulars, but that's just too damn bad...

Mr. Jones.
Your comment about Gary Larson rings true.
He was an inspiration when I saw his strange humour on a daily basis and wondered
how someone could come up with these things day after day.
When I started using Poser nearly two years ago, I was able to do things that I
would not have been able to do without getting bored along the way.
Poser was my "vehicle" to bring my ideas and characters to life.

There is an old saying that you never knew what you had until it's gone.

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And you shoulda known I know you were kidding : ::razz:

Last edited by Deviant_Viking on 28 Jan 2004 16:32; edited 1 time in total
Amen!! :clap:

:bigrinnin: Maybe I've to go for a tour on PoserPros one of these days but actually I've enough time only for Posetteforever :heartbeat: , just to see the reactions.

I don't know who is Gary Larson... :-k

... And Den, be careful, with this version of the site I've installed an automated "throw the damn snob out of the window" procedure administrated directly by Posy... :whistle:

Last edited by Tormie on 28 Jan 2004 19:17; edited 1 time in total

don't know who is Gary Larson... :-s

#-o you've been missing out!!! :-k

"available in the U.S. only"

(not for macaroni :x )

... However I'm curious and I know two or three ways to have the videos :bigrinnin:

... Tomorrow I'll have the videos :bigrinnin: ...

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