Oh yeah , this is another pointless topic I posted because I was bored......
So what irritates you , I mean alot!
As for me:
1) My mom and her dramatizing
Exemple: "Oh , a mosquito! It bites me! OHHH! Where's the medicime! It becomes bigger! I can make allergic reaction! Give me the medicine! Quicker! It bited me!"
"The situation is very serious! You're useless! The situation is very serious! Other girls have less expensive hobbies ( aka thier parents don't have to buy them a 3d software , keyboards , mouses etc) The situation is very serious! Other girls go out together! The situation is very serious! You don't go out! The situation is very serious!The situation is very serious!The situation is very serious!The situation is very serious!The situation is very serious!The situation is very serious!The situation is very serious!The situation is very serious!"
2) My painting teacher and her naive , childish religious optimism
I mean , this woman may be a good painter , but she's fanatically religious (christian , adventist I think) She know the Bible by heard, and every time we had a painting class she was citating the Bible. She also call me : "Dear child!" and always talking something about God... And when I finally told her : "Shut up for a second!" she cryied as a little child saying : "This is not christian , dear child!" She is as naive as 9 years old kid...
3) My litterature teacher. This guy is also religious and a small scoundrel. He didn't like the official textboook and make us buy two of his "textbooks" which were totally empty , no information just stupid cliches and pompous phrases probably stolen from other people. He's thinking he's the big art expert and that only his books are good. He also have the terrible habit to take us to the teather (and choose the most stupid plagiarist pieces ever)and want to pay him for the ticket ( more than the actual ticket price) and then make us write a report about the piece. If you don't have a report you'll have a brand new "F". Oh he also runs a newspaper about culture (aka religion) and make us buy that paper and sometimes we're commenting the articles of the paper ( written by him) instead of the real material.
But this gyu really , really irritates me for another reason. Last year in octomber or november a girl from the math high-school commited suicide. The first job of this know-it-all clown was to reveal a lecture about religion and allege that she wanted to be like Jesus but it in his case it was a mission and other nonsence like that. He even didn't know her name , all he wanted to say was : "Look at me I'm smart , I'm a philosoph ! " This is stupid and unmoral!
His stupid speech about nationalism was also very very very irritating and 2 hours long ( By this time we were suppose to take a litterature lesson). The meaning of the word can be explained quite more simple without all this pompous phrases and dramatizing.
That gyu really irritates me! : :
4) Every stereotipical Barbie under the age of 17
5) [u:65f31a8101]Chalga![/u:65f31a8101]
6) Neo-nazis. They look ridiculous , they can spell "Sieg heil!" correct (did I type it correctly? ) , they're stupid , alot.
7) Stupid reality shows like "Big Brother" and "Star Academy". "Vote for your favourite one!" :
Stupid cartoons on Cartoon Network like "Ed , Edd and Edddy" (it's boring) , also the repeating of the old series of "The grim adventures of Billy and Mandy" all the time. I want something new! :
9) The extremely lazy and always drunken workers in the factory . Tell them to do....something.
10) Almost everything around me (PF not included)
Ok If you still read this you can write what irritates you , of course if you want to and I'll be here to assuage you by saying something like : "Come on It's not so bad!" or "Try to ignore it!" Please do not attack other member!