I got my username through a lifelong series of events.
1.) My given name is Murray; and for some reason children in school either thought it was funny, or that it did not fit me. In either case i was rarely called Murray.
2.) Because of #1 I began to use my middle name; which i guess was not as funny, and / or did fit me. I am still often called that by people.
3.) When I became comfortable with my creative, and philosphical nature; I often changed my name to fit the situation.
4.) I was a huge Bugs Bunny cartoon fan {I wonder why he never won an Oscar...? heheh}; and would/will greet people with: "What's up Doc?"; because of this in some circles I became known as "Doc".
5.) Once in a philosphical mood, I considered that everyone is a "Doctor", that is to say expert in the knowledge of themselves. I tried to explain this to some people in some circles; but they asserted the I was "The Doctor".
6.) Even as an adult artist/musician, people still told me that Murray was a funny name, or the it did not fit me; so I began refusing to tell people my name, and instead insisted that they call me what they thought fit me best. ironicly, most people then began to call me Murray.
7.) In the early 1990's I was involved in the production of a Hip Hop/ Rap CD; and everyone only used their "streetnames"; so I adopted "ART(:" as my "Streetname".{ It is pronounced Art Progressive; because the little smiley is headed towards the future, and not the more common alternative.} It led to too many questions In my opinion; so I only used it on that project.
8.) Sometime in the early 1990's I was in need of a username for the very few groups I visited online; and desided upon "Whazizname". I liked it alot, it was/is unique, and people actually seemed to understand why i used it. To me the username is only part of the name. People that know me, and or my creations well know that I am "Dr. Mahatma Whazizname".
I use the name now on almost all of my creations. In fact, my personal music projects are credited to "Whazizname & WhuddevaCountz".