I should have introduced myself when started posting in Posette Forever. As they say, better late than never.
I have been facinated by both art and science for as long as I can remember. Soon after I entered into the computer field, I started to find ways to use computers to create art, such as what we called printer art" and "card art".
I used some of the early painting programs, being dissatisfied with them, I wrote my own. Once I aquired my first 256 color capable video card, I was estatic. Imagine 256 colors on the screen at once! That is when, other than experimenting, I got started in 3D computer generated art using the DKB RayTracer, then latter with POVRay. I have since used other rendering software, and finally modeling software. That was great, I could at last create objects and scenes with real time feedback, instead of having to write all of them with a text editor.
During that time, I would like to think that I got to be pretty good at all aspects of creating 3D art. One thing that was missing from most of my art was the human element. That is when I purchased a copy of Poser 2. I am sorry to tell you that at the time, I was rather disappointed in that program. My primary 3d modeling software at the time was TrueSpace 2. Poser could not import the objects created in TrueSpace and TrueSpace did a very poor job of importing meshes exported from Poser. So, other than by compositing, my 3D worlds were still unpopulated.
My family suffered from a series of disasters, of both the natural and the man made variety. Among other losses, I lost every object, texture, scene, and every single image 3D art that I had ever created. I had also lost most of the software that I had for producing this sort of artwork. As it was, one of the few surviving art software was my copy of Poser 2. But by that time, with everything that had happened, I had lost my inspiration, my muse was gone.
I concentrated my efforts elsewhere.
A few years ago, I found the bryce and Poser binaries newsgroups, and was pleasently supprised at how well these programs worked together. I tried to get restarted in the this field that I so enjoy. But it was no use, my muse was still gone.
A couple of months ago, something changed. My muse had returned! I have since that day, been rebuilding and updating my toolbox of graphics software and support software. I have also been learning, improving and updating my techniques.