What's happening here and what YOU will do while I'm away

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Post What's happening here and what YOU will do while I'm away

#1  Tormie 27 Oct 2007 00:18

Hi friends

What happened ? Sunday afternoon my phone stopped working, and with it my internet connection. I called the assistance of my phone company, but you know, I live in Italy   So they simply tested the line from the central: my telephone rang normally if you call it, but in the house it doesn't. So the technician said that it was all ok   and I lost three days   . Then I called  back and said that I'm going to the police because my very ill mother can't call the hospital when she needs to do it. Tomorrow the technician went at home at found that the cable under the ground of the street is broken or not working. So they will come back monday (sigh...) and they will try to slip new cables into the tube that is under the street. If they succeed in doing it, on monday I'll be back online. If not they'll have to dig the street, and I don't know how much time I'll stay offline in this case. Actually I went to my mother's home to connect to the site (200 kms / 120 miles from my house). Tomorrow I'll go back and you won't see me anymore till they fix the line or till I'll come back here in the next weekend.

Meanwhile there are things that you can do to take care of the site while I'm not here, essentially they are to check the forum and the album for bad entries, as moderators at the very bottom of each page (except this forum only) there are the commands for you: you can move or delete the whole topic. If you see something strange I suggest you to move the topic in the "posts awaiting approval" forum or in this forum where the messages can be seen only by the staff. This is the case of the spammers: they come in, write the usual advertisement for medicines or porns and goes away. Without me walking around what you should do is :
-Ban the spammer (red button)
-Move the topic here or in the "posts awaiting approval" forum
Why don't simply delete the topic? Because from the topic I take informations from the spammers like the email and the IP address and add it to the black list so they are precious for me , the system blocks about 20 IP addresses every day coming from anonimyzers or IPs from the TOR network.
We have also the approval system for new users (when an users writes in the fourm for the first time they need to be approved before the post can be seen on the forum, you as moderatros can see it but normal users or guests can't). Actually I'm the only one that can approve topics or users. While I'm here I'll add you all to the approval system so that you will be able to approve the users. But be warned: Sometimes a spammer begin with a post that looks like normal and then when approved, he begin with the spam. Usually is easy to spot them: They write in the first forum (Posette playground) and the post is not in topic or contain links to their sites (their goal is to raise on the google list with their link posted on a lot of places) and they (can) use a strange email service. If you suspect something strange but you're not sure, for the first time just aprrove the topic but not the user. The approve/unapprove link is over the user's avatar or at the top of the topic. Actually you can see it but it doesn't work becasue I've to add you to the list, a thing that I'll do after finishing this post).

In case of EXTREME emergency Thilda (Tdac) has the power to shut down the whole site. (Why Thilda? because Thilda is a woman and someone said that if women would rule the world there would be no more wars, even if I've some doubts   )

And here is my cellular phone number: +393283416657 (the home phone is out of order , as you probably already know   ). I don't expect that you call me (probably I couldn't simply understand a word   ) but, expecially from europe, you can send me an SMS and I'll react in a short time, maybe from an internet cafe'.

I'm going to sleep now, it's very late. I'll be back, I would say "soon" but here in Italy it's more honest to say "sooner or later"... A last world only to say that I missed you and the site a lot, and I mean it really, it's like an addict without the dose, I'm suffering a lot

See you soon and take care

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Post Re: What's happening here and what YOU will do while I'm awa

#2  Tormie 27 Oct 2007 00:44

Ok, all is done: you'll get a PM (from an automatic Tormie... ) when a topic will need approval, please check it before approval of the user or the topic . If you approve the user the topic is automatically approved.

I'm sure that you'll do a good job

I don't know if I'll be here for Halloween, so please have fun with the party ! I don't have the time for the lottery, as usual we'll do the rest out of time and late      

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Post Re: What's happening here and what YOU will do while I'm awa

#3  rayera 27 Oct 2007 01:32

ok Tormie, from my poor situation without Windows and a lot of back up to do, if I see something strange I'll try to help  

About this:
(Why Thilda? because Thilda is a woman and someone said that if women would rule the world there would be no more wars, even if I've some doubts   )
I think that if women wold rule the world wars wouldn't be fought mainly by men but by women but there would be the same wars after all, women are humans after all       when they forget they are witch     (no bad intentions, here in Argentina we call "The witch" (La bruja) to the wifes with love   ) and they call us the husbands "the beast" (La bestia)  

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Post Re: What's happening here and what YOU will do while I'm awa

#4  Tormie 27 Oct 2007 09:36

       I'm going home now friends, I hope to be back soon  

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Post Re: What's happening here and what YOU will do while I'm awa

#5  tda42 27 Oct 2007 10:55

Ok Davide. We will take care of her. You just get back on line.

Two wrongs don't make a right.
But six left turns will get you around the block
and back in the driveway again.
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Post Re: What's happening here and what YOU will do while I'm away

#6  ahjah 28 Oct 2007 03:03

I have three days of hard work left, then I'll have more time to be around. But I hope, Davide will be back by then, anyway...

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Post Re: What's happening here and what YOU will do while I'm awa

#7  Tormie 29 Oct 2007 14:19

I'm back !! Thank you for the great work friends   You hunted a couple of spammers   and I'm going to take care of their IP and email address just now ... We should give a prize for the best spammers hunter of the month   !

I'm going to modify a little the approval system. If I can I would avoid to bother you all woth the PMs, as they can confuse you (and for some strange reason they come out in italian even if I've the site set up in english for me   )

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Post Re: What's happening here and what YOU will do while I'm awa

#8  Tormie 02 Nov 2007 07:32

I thought that maybe those PMs can be annoying to some of you   So I'll give the approval command only to volunteers ! If you want to continue PM me   !

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