Hi friends
Remember Lizzy? (headmorph in our freestuff: http://www.posetteforever.com/dload.php?action=file&file_id=357 )
I took her to the material room, we had some serious fun
Here is a shot of the material setting:
The skin layers are from right to left (don't care about the labelling of the blenders)
1st skin is the main texture
2nd skin is a cellular procedural greyscale, used globally on the complete skin, also connected to displacement.
3rd, 4th and 5th skin are several masked layers for the head, legs and arms (I could have used different colors here)
If someone is interested in the grayscale masks, I can load them up. I have more of them, for stockings, gloves and boots etc.; nice for quick and dirty skin tight clothing
Have fun