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Nyaaargh ! Nyaaaargh !!

Poster: Nik
Image: Nyaaargh ! Nyaaaargh !!
Image Details: ID: 8562 - Image Type: JPG - Size: 765 x 641 (79KB)
Posted: 28 Dec 2022 04:13
Views: 47
Pic Description: This delightful pair are PMX bonos / trolls by Isoppe over on BowlRoll, which I converted to Poser-compatible FBX using Truebones'' nimble ($$+) PMX_2_FBX utility.

free bonos / troll

The bonos began as PMX, with all material names and most textures as JP glyphs. First step was to unpack using free Bandizip, which conserved those glyphs, did not turn them into ''dipthong noodle soup''. In addition to PMX, there were folders with sp, tex and toon. I made copies of PMX and textures, moved these into a new, EN folder. Then, using Google Translate and free PMX Editor, I translated, edited the PMX materials'' names and paths, saved this EN version.

I did not attempt to translate bone names, as some seem custom.

''Drag and Drop'' onto the Truebones'' utility gave an FBX. This was entirely white as current version only ports hues, does not yet grok texture calls. I imported figure to Poser at default 100% scale. Came in at about twice ''human'' size. Okay, suit WH40K Orcs, but I wanted smaller, so deleted it. These are 60% scale, which I felt suited my scene.

There are two sub-rigs per figure, eg ..._0, ..._1 for first (deleted), _2, _3 and _4, _5. Always pose using *first* of pair.

The materials were split between the two sub-rigs. I referenced the PMX (EN) for what went where, hand loaded textures. Needed lots of scene light to bring up the detail. Only extra is I set eyes a-glow using red hue and mild super-ambient...

Rendered in Superfly, 32 pixel samples, progressive, 1024 ''vols + buckets'' using both GPU cards.

Note: Initially, I just had one figure, then I remembered P_11.3 has an improved FBX export option, so exported it, hopefully with material calls. To my delight, this did auto-load its textures. Yay !!

I''d hoped to have ported more figures by now, but kept finding my ''Must Try YOU !!'' DLs were eg ''sufficiently'' TDA for their ''T+Cs'' to prohibit porting.

Upside, translating PMX to EN ready for the PMX_2_FBX utility just takes patience and wary copy/pasting between a bunch of open windows. Manually re-rigging in eg Blender is totally beyond my skills...

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I do not think they expected...
Female Dwarf Portrait
Nyaaargh ! Nyaaaargh !!
Young Gypsy girl by the fire.
Big Stone Mound...

Poster Message
 29 Dec 2022 12:00
I'm converting a small zoo of 'monsters', plus figures with 'few' materials that lack 'TDA' block.
Tedious part is editing their PMX files to use 'En' file names.

A 'gotcha': Google Translate does not always translate same glyphs the same way.

PMX material 'glyph' translates 'eye', but texture call 'tex\glyph.png' may translate 'eyes.png'.

Which, if the file-name translates 'eye.png', and you blink, may slip through to trip you later...

 31 Dec 2022 22:48
Very detailed pair of furry fellows here! I envy your runtime!

I am smiling.
 01 Jan 2023 15:54
I could post the converted FBX, but it calls translated textures from PMX pack, whose originals have glyphs in their names. Also, the free PMX has 'no redistribution' tag...

Solution could be for me to post the FBX plus a 'finder chart' with thumbnails of original and translated textures.

You'd have to download the free PMX pack with the original textures from link given, so not 'redistribution'. Copy textures into an 'en' folder beside FBX, rename them per 'finder' chart. Hours of patient copy/pasting file names to/from 'Google Translate' not required...

Solved ??

Sorry, the Poser 'with material calls' FBX version seems too 'modern' to be read by Autodesk's FBX Toolkit, so I cannot check the paths. IIRC, when I saved it out of Poser, I did not tell it to 'bundle' the textures, just the texture calls.

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