Apologies; Needed Some Very Specific Morphs... »  Show posts from    to     

♥ PosetteForever ♥

The ugly step sisters - Apologies; Needed Some Very Specific Morphs...

Nik [ Friday, 16 June 2017, 12:52 PM ]
Post subject: Apologies; Needed Some Very Specific Morphs...
I needed a cast of plausible adolescent & pre-adolescent kids for 'BigBadBugs' and other scenarios, but could not find enough the right age. <br /> <br /> Posette's nieces and nephews are just too cute... <br /> <br /> D*Z' Millenium Kids might have done, but finding clothes for them is difficult. <br /> <br /> In the end, I swallowed my pride, got the V4.2 bundle from D*Z. The morph++ pack lets you dial age, looks and gender freely, and most of V4's default wardrobe will accept such morphs. <br /> <br /> Up-side is Posette, Aiko3, AiBot & V3 can now rescue V4 from umpteeen fates worse than death...
Chromium [ Friday, 16 June 2017, 07:42 PM ]
Post subject: Re: Apologies; Needed Some Very Specific Morphs...
I'm equally as guilty... <br /> <br /> On the flip side it's good that you mix up the characters so they all don't look inbred...

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