Messing up...

Messing up...
Post Messing up... 
I'm messing up a little the layout of the site, as you should have already noticed  :sorry: ...
I've some maybe cool :cool: ideas that I want to experiment so I'm preparing the site for them, You should not notice anything if not things moving here an there  :mmmh: while I'm testing things  :dash:  :shocked!:

 Tormie [ 10 Feb 2008 01:23 ]

Messing up...
Post Re: Meesing up... 
...not boring, at least :D

 ahjah [ 10 Feb 2008 01:32 ]
Post Re: Messing up... 
Something I've done  :) , I hope that you like the concept, I'm still playing :bubbles: , but it's enough for now...

 Tormie [ 10 Feb 2008 16:54 ]
Post Re: Messing up... 
Hi Davide :hug2:
I am having problems with the new layout.
On my 1024x768 res, the graphics at the sides squash the page in between together.
i.e the shoutbox in the frontpage is only thre fingers wide and i got a horzontal scroll bar , that I don't like at all. I'd like the old layout back, the new one don't work for me at all. :mmmh:  :crying:

 ahjah [ 10 Feb 2008 17:09 ]
Post Re: Messing up... 
Ok Andreas  :mmmh: , I'm still experimenting, I'll remove the stairs and the sign now, it should work for your resolution and think of another solution. I've to test 1024x768 on my other PC

 Tormie [ 10 Feb 2008 17:12 ]
Post Re: Messing up... 
Ok What I've done is:
-put the new logo on the right side (sign, stairs and cat, all  *temporary* style) and took away the one at the top of the page (the new one works as a quick link to the front page)
-I left things *looks like* untouched in the "text" style, so that Andreas and who have 1024x768 can view the site as usual. I've tested the "new" right side logo on the same resolution and now it should be ok

I took away the logo from the top of the page in order to cut down the times you need to scroll down the page, Andreas, I can even cut it down in the text style if you want to see more infos and less graphic...

For the rest and as I said I'm trying some new things...

 Tormie [ 10 Feb 2008 18:00 ]
Post Re: Messing Up... 
I don't mind the new construction, but you might want to issue us with hard-hats just in case...!

 GrouchoCaesar [ 10 Feb 2008 21:40 ]
Post Re: Messing up... 
I put a cat on the stairs, a female cat, just in case... *wink* *wink*

 Tormie [ 10 Feb 2008 22:14 ]
Post Re: Messing up... 
I'm on "Aphrodite Text" , anyway.
As it is at the moment works for me :D  :clap:  :thumb:

 ahjah [ 10 Feb 2008 22:19 ]
Post Re: Messing up... 
Yep, I looked at it intentionally :whistle:

 Tormie [ 10 Feb 2008 22:20 ]
Post Re: Messing up... 
Ummm, Tormie dear, where did you put the clubhouse kitchen, I can't seem to find it where it last was??? How can I make more tuna poptarts when I can't find the kitchen??? Also I would like to request a "Pink" hardhat when you pass them out  :wink:

 guiltypleasures [ 13 Feb 2008 02:32 ]
Post Re: Messing up... 
Pink hard hats? By any chance is there a yellow left? :redface:

 tda42 [ 13 Feb 2008 02:45 ]
Post Re: Messing up... 
guiltypleasures wrote: [View Post]
Ummm, Tormie dear, where did you put the clubhouse kitchen, I can't seem to find it where it last was??? How can I make more tuna poptarts when I can't find the kitchen??? Also I would like to request a "Pink" hardhat when you pass them out  :wink:

Rene, it's easy, I moved it and the fishes tank at one of the high floors, just look where that fat cat licking his hands is  :whistle:

 Tormie [ 13 Feb 2008 08:48 ]
Post Re: Messing Up... 
Hey!  I'll make the fat jokes here, thank you!

Why, I oughta... (Stops to look in mirror, shuts up and slinks -- well, alright, rolls away.)


 GrouchoCaesar [ 14 Feb 2008 02:09 ]
Post Re: Messing up... 
:mmmh: ... Well, for being round you're round... (*searching*) Somewhere I should have those old granma' war time recipes (*searching*) ... Mice... Shoes... Cats... HERE !  :D

...kitty.... kittykittykitty...

 Tormie [ 14 Feb 2008 02:24 ]
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