There I was, whining away about not enough time in the day to play with my computer in general and Poser in particular. So what happens? Unusually strange weather conditions, and monetary disputes between the farmers and the people I work for means no more employment out in the fields for the forseeable future.
And just to rub it in... it turns out that the severe pain I've been feeling in my foot the last few days is now diagnosed as the onset of gout, so even if could go back to work next week, I wouldn't be getting very far. (Although to be fair, at least with all the hopping I'd be doing, I'd only need one gumboot.)
So it looks like I'll be on my PC whenever I'm not out hunting for a job. Which may mean I'll be able to finish sorting out all my Poser freebies from the net before the next Ice Age. Heck, maybe I may even be able to render a picture or two before the heat death of the Universe. (Though I'm still ordering in extra fire-wood just to be safe.)
This topic has been brought to you by "Rants-R-Us", a division of YoyoDyne Propulsion Systems, makers of a particularly fine Flux Capacitor.