The source of our usernames.

The source of our usernames.
Yes, all Tardis have what is called the chamelion circuit, that permits them to immitate anything.  For example, when the Master had used up his last regeneration, he made his Tardis look like a statue that was indented to be an evil creature drawn to a good plant "Traken" to be become a statue and then to errode away.  What he was really after was to gain the powers of the Keeper of Traken so to amoung other things beable to regenerate a new body.  But he failed, he did then change his tardis to look like a clock and then kidnapped someone, and with the fading powers of almost being keeper he used that person to provide himself with a new body.

Every Tardis has this ability, except for the old type 40 used by the Doctor.  When the Doctor stole it the first time, it was in the shop for repairs, because that circuit was broken and the police call box was the last form that it had before it broke.  Latter after his trial (episode War Games) and being sentenced to live on earth, he was giving the same Tardis, with additional damage to its circuits and the critical knowlege of time mechanics blocked from his memory, as part of his punishment.  In time he repaired everything else but that one circuit.

Another time when he was back home, I think that was when he became the President of the Time Lords.  He again fled from his world, and just happened to again steal the same Tardis with the broken circuit.

 pangor [ 17 May 2006 08:45 ]

The source of our usernames.
Mine was given to me back in 1998 or so. I like the band King Crimson and wanted to use it as a nick when I had WebTV , but the name was already taken. I settled for the nearest thing that was available which was 'thecrimsonking'. I was chatting in a room on Talk City in which I became a regular and a girl in there began to call me "Crimmy" which I continued to use until this day.   

 Crimmy [ 11 Jun 2006 23:19 ]
It is interesting how usernames tend to evolve.  On various sites I am Pangor, but with other services I have found that Pangor was already taken, so have had to use a variation of it.

 pangor [ 17 Jun 2006 18:28 ]
Post Re: The Source Of Our Usernames. 
Ah... alter-egos.  Happy days, happy days (wipes sentimental tear from eye).  I used to run a couple of bulletin boards in my home town. I was originally a co-sysop of a board that was over-regulated to the point of boredom.  So I started up one at home and had a lot of fun under the name Groucho Caesar.  Then I got bored with *that*, so I started a third, mystery BBS run by an insane alter-ego I called Eric J. Fileworthy.  "Eric" would go online and attack my other boards with sarcasm and non-sequiturs...

Groucho Caesar is an obscure in-joke.  I'm a big BIG fan of the Marx Brothers, and Groucho's real name was Julius... simple.

My Avatar is Garfield, because for some unknown reason I have been called that by quite a few people over the years, all independantly of each other.  It's not like I'm orange with black stripes... I just have this inate Garfieldness in attitude, especially according to the womenfolk I meet.

 GrouchoCaesar [ 28 Nov 2006 11:51 ]
Ah hah. Happy days happy days wipes sentimental tear from eye to you too, GrouchoCaesar. By now you do not do run a couple of bulletin boards in his or her home town anymore? Oh. Will you finish up one at home and had a lot of fun under the name Groucho Caesar. Do robots have Avatar is Garfield because for some unknown reason I have been called that by quite a few people over the years all independantly of each other? What is it?

 Posy [ 28 Nov 2006 11:51 ]
Post Re: The source of our usernames. 
Posy is confused...

 Tormie [ 28 Nov 2006 13:49 ]
Oh, you are a poet.

 Posy [ 28 Nov 2006 13:50 ]
Post Re: The source of our usernames. 

 Tormie [ 28 Nov 2006 13:50 ]
Post Re: The Source Of Our Usernames. 
Mine came from an "altered state", rolling up a character for a RPG, way back in the early eighties. Guess at the time I had been reading too much mythology and it just came to me while working up the character. I have continued using it for a pseudonym for all these years.

 armetisius [ 18 Feb 2007 00:09 ]
Post Re: The source of our usernames. 
Welcome to Posetteforever  armetisius               !!!

 Tormie [ 18 Feb 2007 00:16 ]
Post Re: The Source Of Our Usernames. 
Sadly, I can identify with your Teacher problem. While I had some crappy teachers, the only real Jack-Ass was a Principal.  Okay, first, understand that my parents divorced when I was two.  Dad, waited until I was 13 to re-marry, but he re-married badly.
The woman poisoned him, (he died)  then she embesseled the estate, and fled the state, leaving me to my real Mom, who promptly decided that we needed   to -"Get Away" from it all, and moved my sister and I  far away,  to Hattiesburg, Mississippi, where she bought a Motel, and I found school to be a tad different  there.  
The Junior and Senior High school were built like Junior Colleges, (spread out) but the entire facility was sourrounded by a  Wall of  BARS,   (like a jail)  -with an overhang to the inside.
Students were told  "You leave here, in an ambulance, or in a Hearst."  
No exceptions.
Most Students including myself joined a Fraturnity for the purpose of having  unity and mainly having an Attorney to sue the Principal, over and over and over.

In 1969, the time of the mini-skirt, female students were required to wear  dresses nearly to their ankles. No student could wear any clothing with a "Pattern" or poka-dots, as the student handbook referred to the possibility of a poka dot being over a part of the body that might bring attention to it.  Girls were forbidden to wear shined or shinny shoes, due to the possibility of someone possibally seeing a reflection -of under their skirt.  No jewley of ANY kind.  The Principal was famous for following students after school.  Even after they graduated.  He followed some of his former students (who were college)  and reported their beer drinking  to their parents.
The student he reported promptly, beat him unconcious.   But my 15 year old sister was not aware of any of this.  Since on her first day at school her skirt was not long enough to suit him he grabbed her, and dragged her to his office (screaming the entire way) where he forced her to sit in a chair as he crawled around the floor trying to see up her dress.  

THAT is what I saw when I entered the room.  (POW)  Principal  kicked across the room.  Secretary calling Police.  Me calling Mom.    -Mom calling Attorney.  

Like you after that, I got a lot of writting assignments    (some, I actually purchased from college students I knew)    -which automatically received an -F.

We moved back to Alabama after that, but my Fraturnity brothers, wrote to me and told me that (edited: The Principal) had recently been beaten by another former student, who'd kicked most of his teeth out.
It took many years  to legally force the board of Education to remove the man but It was finally accomplished.  

Teachers and students alike, can be  cruel, and  we as individuals are responsible for our actions to our maker, and will be required to account for them.

As for the Name  Actually Leahman was my father's name, a brilliant man, even if he was a poor judge of women. I always thought it was unique name, (though it is Biblical)  Once out of school in the working work, at my office everybody had nic names and most people never knew Leahman wasn't my legal name.  Wifey calls me Leahman, as do my friends
which i consider you all to be.

Pandor I am sorry for how you were treated.
We are all tested  that is the purpose of life. The challenge is to understand    -that we must forgive those who trespass against us, and that is a challenge that tests men's metal, as much as combat.


 leahman [ 01 Dec 2007 05:31 ]
Post Re: The Source Of Our Usernames. 
behind my username.......?

I used this username since I was in college, like, 3 years ago. I was fond of this game named Samurai Showdown where there was this ninja named Hanzo Hattori which I thought was cool, because he has a mysterious demeanour and his moves involved breaking bones and joints In fact, he was a real-life ancient ninja in the Tokugawa period.


and at that time, I read a Japanese comic (manga) named Kyo: Samurai Deeper. There was this assassin who can manipulate Ice (turning them into blades) named Shinrei. He has white hair and has this typical warrior-ish 'honour' code which he lives by. I liked this character.


for my Yahoo id, I used this name, combining the two assassin characters which I love most. I most RPG's that I play I usually stick with this class...

 hanzoushinrei [ 01 Dec 2007 11:24 ]
I'm not sure if I like it.   I always enjoy my chats with human clients.

 Posy [ 01 Dec 2007 11:25 ]
Post Re: The source of our usernames. 
Very nice to here this. Leahman I had to edit your Principals name because we had an incident at one time with real names and even though I agree with you we still have to keep names that are of legal means out of the conversation. It is ok though to use yours if you please and others of a friendly nature can reply to it as well. I think you already know mine.   Never the less this is all quit interesting and welcome everyone.  

 tda42 [ 01 Dec 2007 11:55 ]
Post Re: The source of our usernames. 
Very sad story leahman   , I think every one had something sad in their life that changed drastically their behaviour ...

Hanzoushinrei, I've ALL the Hokuto no Ken serie and a lot of other anime(s), actually my favourite is "Initial D" that's about illegal car races at night on the mountain passes in Japan...

 Tormie [ 01 Dec 2007 14:35 ]
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