Please give it a try, Blender is a very powerfull free aplication and this new sculpting tool is a real gift for all Poser users, if you are used to other aplications the user interface may be a little problematic, but just open your mind

I've read this tutorial several times, but if I go on searching for mispels I will never post it

The main intention here is encourage the creation of custom morph, it's the best way to add true artistic sence to a character, no mater how simple it's the character will have your own craft, and using a FREE aplication, by now if you wanted to do this you needed to buy in some cases espensive tools, and velieve me as a Zbrush user, you can get the same results in Blender, with even some adventages, like do your morph with the textures on (it may be in Zbrush but by now I didn't find it) or besides the sculp tool you can use the standard modeling tools. (There is a lot, we Poser users can use in Blender, we can even do textures like in Deep Paint 3D or Painter 3D)
Blender Can be downloaded HERE
Once I solve some problems with some scrips I'll post the full body morph tutorial.
Here I use Poser 5 but the proces is the same for version 4, 6 or 7 (Poser 7 have some diferences in the order of the importing an exporting process)