Today I'm home, I've taken 3 days of vacances because I have a bad turn of job and want to use this time to complete some works here...
So I slept like a piece of wood and then (calmly) took the car and went to the mall. I added to the usual things a good "salame Mantovano" and a "provolone affumicato" cheese ...
When I was at the cash someone called me, he was an old friend of mine that I never met for a lot of years but that I remembered as a nice person, an still he is. At that time I was getting some extra money during the school vacances unloading the trucks full of watermelons . We exchanged our phone numbers and emails and promised to meet again soon, he lives in a place near mine. So instead of meeting people I don't want to see, this time was different and it made my day !
Today I planned to deep clean the house but probably I'll mount the scooter engine with my brother when he'll home and have some fun in the garage ( we decided to change the drive shaft of the engine with a stronger one before it crashes for the too much power of the enlarged cylinder and piston and then changed some things in the transmission before it will explode... And I bought some nice things from Germany and they'll be here monday via UPS).
My works at the windows and the heaters of the house were ok, no more cold whisper from outside this year , so the house is warm and I've still no need to turn on the heaters
So I'll clean the house tomorrow, now it's raining gently and this wheater suggest a little "pisolino" ( ), that is what is needed after the dinner in what I think is a perfect lifestyle !