This site has a lot of nice props in 3ds format. For ex; lamps, vases, tables, arches, ornaments, chairs, beds, candles.
Remember to visit the artgallries, beautiful works there.
This site has animaltextures, eyetexutres for posette/p4female, clothingtextures for the p4clothing,
This site has backgrounds, props in 3dsmax format, textures & trans for Posette clothing and poses for Posette.
This site has characters for the p4male, p5male, michael. the have figures like monsters & dinosors, morphs for p4female and male, p5female and male, viktoria1,2,3 and michael 1,2,3. They also have various props, and bryce stuff.
This site has props in 3ds format, fanatsy stuff.