messenger";p="18173 wrote:
No that is fine...I was just worried that there was a way to hack into my site...I hear so much about people having their site hacked into and messed up I thought there was something I was going to have to learn about safeguarding my site. Just as a thought I have been looking at trying to stop people right clicking on my pictures to save them off the site. The only problem is that each picture loads into a different page when you click on them to view them and I don't know how to apply the no right click on those pages...any ideas?
Pangor is right, you need javascript to disable any right clicking on your site, http:\ is a good resource. The only way someone can hack into your site is through an unsecure server. The webpage code is in a file on a server that any web browser that accesses that file, downloads it and then executes the code locally on the machine. If someone were to gain access to that server, or more specifically the portion of disk space that has been allocated to your account, then they have free reign to upload whatever to your site and change whatever passwords and or settings they want. Bottom line is: keep your passwords to yourself, and keep them complex enough to prevent someone from guessing but yet easy enough to remember.
alpha numeric is good...
i.e. ^m355en93r,2005
I'd rather have a bottle in front of me then a frontal lobotomy.......
My grey matter is turning white, my proof is my grey hair....