I've asked the same question about Dunkins~1 on another site and this was the answer i got there:
"Try renaming your autoexec.bat file to something like, autoexec1.bak. That should trick windows into thinking that there is no autoexec.bat.
A better way of doing it would be to go to run on the start menu and type msconfig. Msconfig should give you the options to bypass autoexec.bat and the other start-up files. There is also a tab that should allow you to disable programs from launching at start-up.
I also reccomend going to http://housecall.trendmicro.com. It might catch viruses that other programs miss. Something about the names of the files you mentioned raise a red flag with me. I could be wrong about that, though.
This site may help you with msconfig. http://netsquirrel.com/msconfig/ "