Today I was tweaking my mail server configuraton, and it gave me an opportunity to do some dionositic on the mail delivery to our missing friend.
Up till now I I heard back was silence, now I have some dianositc results, they are not much better than the silence.
I learned that it appears that the SMTP daemon that server PF were rejecting the reject error returned from Erenda's ISP SMTP daemon as being spam. So I sent the mail using my ISP domain and found that while my ISP's SMTP daemon was accepting the errors messages from Erends'a ISP; Her ISP was rejecting connections from my SMTP daemon. I am blacklisted for being on a dialup connection. Next I relayed my outgoing mail from my SMTP daemon through my ISP's daemon. I was still rejected by her ISP for being blacklisted. Then I routed my mail through my ISP deamon without going through mine first. This time I got a clean connection to and back from her ISP, but it was still an error message
Account is disabled due to inactivity.
Her ISP, that I believe is her local telephone company, has disabled her account.